Campaign 4 - Session 6 - Babies, Fairies, and Cake!

The party makes their way to Mindclaw's Gerblin tribe, where they join the celebration for the birth of Mindclaw and Nala's cubs: two boys, Obsidian and Ajani, and a girl, Zurabi. Kai and her sister Rivo introduce the party to the All Spore, a titanic mushroom god who created all of Sporemound. The All Spore recounts a tale of how he and his brother created the Nightlands ages ago, and how the great Viper God, Vol the Golden, invaded, killed his brother, and reanimated him to illuminate the Nightlands for Vol's followers. Rivo and Kai explain that the Merfolk once lived in harmony with the many gods of Sporemound but now rally behind the Ichor Witch, a priestess of the Dark Tide who plans to expel the Viper clan from the Nightlands once and for all. Their village is located south of here, and the party is advised to investigate and prevent them from further corrupting the Nightlands with the Black Tide.   As a reward for protecting her younger sister, Rivo gifted Jack a rapier sword known as the Vail Piercer, previously wielded by their pirate father. This unique weapon allows Jack to slash open a portal to a parallel shadow dimension, enabling him to travel invisibly. However, while in this realm, Jack is pursued by a shadowy doppelgänger of himself.  
Meanwhile, Cor encountered some Brotherhood pirates under the command of Captain Blondie, who were hosting a birthday celebration for some refugee Binks Tea workers. These workers had fled to Sporemound following an attack on their farm. Amid the festivities, Cor reunited with Natsu's childhood friend Octavia, who managed to catch a rare Bob Fish essential for crafting a cure for Cor's sister, Aquafina. Unfortunately, the Bob Fish nearly perished, but Cor healed it, inadvertently causing it to evolve into a larger, sapient creature that now regards Cor as its father.   During his time with the pirates, Cor discovered they had captured a strange, rainbow-shelled creature intended for sale to the nobility in Glimmergold. Seizing the opportunity, Cor covertly freed the caged creature, unbeknownst to his pirate hosts.  
Jack stumbled upon a village of fairies under attack by spiders. Having just discovered his troubling past, he felt compelled to do some good in the world and aid the tiny, winged beings. Throughout the session, Jack towered over the miniature village like a colossal figure, crushing the spiders underfoot and ultimately facing off against the spider brood mother, who retreated back into the shadows. In gratitude, the fairies hailed Jack as a hero and offered him anything he desired from their vault. Although the vault primarily contained random items that humans might consider trash, Jack did find a magical strawberry that granted him a +1 stat boost.   After parting ways with the fairies, Jack left them a magical boot that acted as a portal to a Brotherhood hideout in Glimmergold. This portal could serve as a means for the fairies to explore new realms or as a refuge should the spiders return.  
Edith jumped onto the back of a flying mushroom snake creature known as a Quetzalcoatl, which carried her away to its nest. With the telepathic powers granted by Mindclaw, she communicated with the creature and discovered it was a hyper-paranoid, soon-to-be mother. Unfortunately, Edith witnessed the mother's ineptitude firsthand when it consumed one of its hatching babies, lamenting, "I'm such a pig," in despair. Despite Edith's efforts to create a proper bed for the eggs and teach the mother proper care, the Quetzalcoatl proved uncooperative and lashed out at Edith with its acid spray.   Meanwhile, Natsu, having seen Edith being carried off, pursued them to the creature's nest. There, he heroically teamed up with Edith to slay the Quetzalcoatl. They collected the eggs, vital ingredients needed to heal Aquafina, and Natsu butchered the mother's meat to provide food for Mindclaw's tribe. He also carefully extracted the venomous fangs and acid sac for future crafting.  
The session concluded with the loud footsteps of a Spore-asaurus Rex approaching, signaling new challenges ahead.