Campaign 4 - Session 7 - Frogs and Dino Racing

The session begins with the mighty Spore-asaurus Rex being blown off a cliff as Natsu detonates a barrel of gunpowder at the narrow entrance of Captain Blondie's pirate camp. The Rex falls into the ravine and followed by a great splash as the creature sinks into the deep waters below.   The pirates and Octavia cheer and carry Natsu into the camp singing of the man who defeated a mighty Rex single handedly. And the pirates explain that the rainbow shell creature escaped and the captain is chasing after it. Octavia gave Natsu big puppy dog eyes to go save the rainbow shell from being captured and then Natsu grabbed her by the hand and off they went to catch up with Captain Blondie.   
Meanwhile Cor and Bob fish are walking the bottom of the waters and with his massive weight breaks open a sinkhole that sucks them into an underwater tunnel leading them far away from the rest of the group. Edith sent her owl after them. On the other end they met a giant Mushroom Frog named Croak Spore that tells Cor he needs a boat. Cor not sure why a giant frog would want a boat blurts out how he saw a boat on the other end of vortex he just came through. The Frog is confused and decides to ask Cor to solve a riddle and Cor ignores the riddle and walks away and finds himself in the heart of a merfolk camp they were looking for.   Merfolk gather around in a great feast as they convience another tribe of Merfolk to join them in their mission to push out the Human Clans from the Night lands and reclaim this area for the Merfolk. They explain how the Ooze Witch knows how to control the Black Tide to attack the human navy ships and how they invaded the Binks Tea Farm and poisoned the tea with Tide Ooze and tactically retreated to the stupid humans would come back and collect the tainted tea to be shipped back to the main land. In a short period of time. the tea will turn those that consume it into Tide Spawn and join up with the main body to crush the main land.   Edith attempted to rescue Cor by fashioning a makeshift lifeline from several ropes and hooks at the bandit camp, which she then cast into the vortex in hopes of pulling Cor back through. Instead of retrieving Cor, however, she hauled up the mighty Frog, Croak Spore, who became visibly excited upon sighting Captain Blondie's boat.  
In the ensuing chaos, Edith fell back into the water. From the depths beneath her, the Spore-asaurus Rex emerged, issuing a formidable roar. Croak Spore leapt onto his boat to defend his trophy and responded to the challenge with a deep, guttural croak. A battle erupted between the two titans, shaking the very air with their ferocious might.   Natsu and Octavia met up with Captain Blondie and volunteered to recapture the Rainbow Shell and bring it back to her. Using his telepathic powers, Natsu convinced the Rainbow Shell, who believed it was a messiah, to let him and Octavia ride on its back to safety.  
Along the way, they encountered a group of Gerblins who were not looking for a fight but were instead heading to the Gerblin dino races. Natsu, Octavia, and the Rainbow Shell followed them to the racetrack, where they saw Gerblins riding Gorehorns. One racer, Melon Head, faced disqualification because his riding partner hadn't shown up. Natsu volunteered to be his partner, as he was connected to Melon Head brother's, friend's, auntie's, roomate or some sort, and the Gerblin Chief allowed it.   Meanwhile, Jack, with the help of the fairies, stealthily found his way back to the group. He observed the chaos that had unfolded during his absence and eventually introduced himself to Captain Blondie.   Cor gets discovered by the merfolk and when they asked him where he came from he explains that the giant frog brought him here. When they go to investigate Croak spore they realize the Frog God was gone! This seemed to spark a panic among the Merfolk and the chief confronted Cor and asked if he gave the frog a boat? When Cor answered that he did offer a boat to the frog the the merfolk went into full on riot. Shouts of prophecy of the frog and the boat caused a divide between the merfolk and a fight broke out. One of the merfolks explained he believes in the frog prophecy and brings Cor back to the vortex in which he came and pushed him. This brough Cor all the way back to Captain Blondie's Ship where Cor saw the battle raging between the Frog and the Spore-asaurus Rex that just turned for the worse as the Rex had bitten off the frog's legs and roared in his triumphant victory.  
As Cor attempted to heal the dying frog god on the boat, something incredible and unexplainable happened: Croak Spore fused with the boat. The frog then fired a massive harpoon that pierced the Rex's heart, dragging it into Croak Spore's mouth, where it was devoured.   Back at the race, riding the Rainbow Shell, Natsu and Octavia navigated dangerous obstacles, including sticky mud, Gerblin arrow volleys, long jumps over pits, and rushing waters. As they neared the finish line, Jack pushed Captain Blondie in front of the galloping Rainbow Shell, which tore her in half. The Gerblins cheered as Natsu and Octavia crossed the finish line, winning the race.   Jack approached the dying Captain Blondie, donned her hat and jacket, and his face transformed to resemble hers. He thanked her for her boat and crew before kicking her into the ravine.