Campaign 4 - The Black Tide - Session 4 - The Floating Market

The session begins with the party recuperating at the Kitty and the Kraken Restaurant, located in the heart of the Floating Market, after their adventure at Thunder Tower. The restaurant is filled with cats lounging on tables, chairs, and patrons, treated like royalty by the chefs.   Lucano meets with them and asks for a report on their progress in stopping the Black Tide. For their bravery in the sewers and at Thunder Tower, he rewards them with an increase of +10 Max HP.   He then gives Edith a small music box, intended as payment for information from her connections within the House of Secrets. He instructs the party to head to the Periwinkle Tea Farms to investigate the halted tea shipments.  
After Lucano departs, a waitress, chased from the kitchen by giant crabs and octopi, disrupts the peace. The heroes leap into action, soon discovering that these beasts are fishermen transformed into monsters by a sea hag. One of the fisherman was Olivia, Natsu's childhood friend and secret crush.   Natsu felt a connection to the music box Lucano gave Edith and opens the music box even tho Lucano told them not too. Once opened, Natsu gains the memory of his brother who taught him to how to blacksmith and how his brother had been traveling with them this whole time since they left the casino. Also the memory of the brother dying after saving Natsu from being consumed by the black tide. Lucano had taken the memory of his brother from not just Natsu, but also from the reset of the party.   Edith, Natsu, and Olivia went to investigate the Sea Hag last seen on the Sandpiper, the fisherman vessel and discovered a Bob Fish that was turned into a man.  
Cor worked with Phil and Lil the two cat god chefs of the kitty and the kraken to see a cure for his sister Aquafina's affliction after having consumed a piece of the black tide. And they told him to bring them the eggs of a winged snake known as the quetzalcoatl, a Bob Fish, and a rainbowshell to cook both in.     In an effort to buy his sister more strength and time. Cor absorbed some of the black tide corruption from his sister into his own body. He too is now corrupted by the black tide and now weakened.   Jack wandered off to Steerian Trading Company ship and found the captain scolding a young cadet named Daphie to finish her chores before he comes back or her career in the trading company would be over. Jack offered to help Daphie and quickly discovered the girl is an accident proned clutz.  
Edith ran into the sea hag alone, who introduced herself as Snookums after witnessing the hag vomit black slime into the food stock upon the steerian vessel. The two had a distrubing yet adorable adventure together and led to Snookums showing Edith her lair under the floating market to meet "her babies" who were people wrapped up in cocoons made of black tide webbing. Snookums reveals that Scarlet had burned her babies and she had to make new ones. Inside the lair was a pool of Black Tide that Snookums refered to as her husband who became angry to Edith's presense and Snookums casted Edith out of the lair to safety.   Cor, Natsu and Olivia went to investigate the Brotherhood's ship and noticed another caged white tigeress about to be sold to the pleasure demon, Lamb. Cor offers to buy the tigress by taking on the hunter's debt as payment before Mindclaw learns of his mate being held captive. The payment goes through, but Mindclaw still shows up and shreds Lamb to pieces (which lamb stripped down naked to properly enjoy being torn to bits.) During this moment of distraction Natsu steals Lamb's fair wing pinion so he can again impersonate a member of the upper class in the future.   Jack gave up on trying to help Daphie and gave her his phoenix egg that he recieved from the circus master back in Glimmergold. Jack leaves the boat and runs into Steerian Captain that was yelling at Daphie and Jack tells the captain to stop bullying Daphie. Shortly after Jack hears a loud explosion behind him as apparently the phoenix egg hatched and sank the steerian ship into the sea of stars. The Captain panicks and thinks Jack is some mythical Steerian ghost of christamas future known as Papa Nergal that sank his ship due to his bad acts toward Daphie.   Edith explains her adventures with Snookums with the party and then takes the party to visit the House of Whispers. Natsu opened the music box and willingly chose to transfer the memory of his brother back into the box and gave it along with Natsu's brother's black smithing skillset to the House of Whispers as payment for knowledge of black tide.  
The House reveals to the party that Jack was a member of a pirate crew that pillaged an ancient temple of its treasures. As punishment the temple cursed Jack and his crew by branding them with the mark of that is Jack's tattoo. Unknowning of this curse, the pirates took their piece of the treasure and went their separate ways since they made enough to retire from their haul. Slowly each cursed member begain to go insane, each one eventually taking their own lives to end the madness that corrupted their minds.   All but Jack that is. For Jack had Lucano erase his memories and somehow manged evade the madness of the curse yet the tattood mark remains branded on his forearm.   The council even revealed that Lucano had to erase his own memory of of Jack's previous life for they were too dangerous even for the demon to remember the visions. A deadly knowledge.  
Jack decided to approach Scarlet after seeing her land in the Floating Market on the back of her red wyvern "Butterbean" in hopes of recruiting her help in defeating the Black Tide as Edith revealed wyvern's fire breath would be very effective against it. She agreed, but only after plunging her fangs deep into Jack's neck.   The session ended with the party having Captain Tsunami take them to investigate the Bink's Perriwinkle farm to investigate the shortage of Perriwinkle Tea and to send Mindclaw and his mate, Nala back to their home in Sporemound.