Character Creation in Pandora | World Anvil

Character Creation

Step 1. Choose a Background

Your background explains what your character did for a living for most of their life before the campaign begins. Each background comes with a set of 5 tags that players can use creatively to perform an action or gain a benefit to an action related to that tag. State your reasoning to the DM and they will decide if it makes sense or not. You can also build your own background by picking 5 TAGS among the set backgrounds below.   Example 1:  
Player - "Can I lock pick the jail cell?"

DM - "Do you have a lock pick?"

Player - "No, but i have the lockpicking tag from my criminal background. Can I like have a hidden hairpin on me somehow?"

DM - "This isn't your first time behind bars so you have a hidden hairpin the guards didn't find on you, roll EASY DEX to start picking the lock"
  Example 2:  
Player - "I have the Athletic tag, can I jump/climb EASY?"

DM - "That makes sense to me!"

Step 2. Choose a Bioform


Step 3. Create a Custom Starter Loot

This piece of loot is the defining item that makes your character unique from others.   If you want to a be a rouge who can walk on walls lets make spider boots!   If you want to be a Spirit Priestess who shoots Holy Arrows lets make you a Spirit Bow that harms enemies, but heals allies!   If you want to be a mighty warrior who only wears a massive codpiece for armor then its going to be better than Heavy armor!   Talk with the dungeon master on how you visualize your character's signature item and together make your dream a reality.

Step 4. Pick a Class


Step 5. Pick an Ideal

This is the belief system of your character. What guides their choices in life.    

Step 6. Assign your Stat Points

  Each character starts with 7 Stat points   You can put a stat point into STR DEX CON INT WIS CHR   Stats cap at +3

Step 7. Starting Armor

Select 1 piece of starting armor. If you don't pick any armory you get extra piece of starter weapon in step 8.  

Step 8. Starting Weapons

  Pick two starting weapons.  

Step 9. Come up with a Signature Phrase / Gesture

  Something your character does or says that makes them memorable. Something that makes their personality unique.