Gerblin Species in Pandora | World Anvil

Gerblin (Ger-blin)

  • Origin: Gerblins are native to Pandora
  • Age: Gerblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up to 60 years.
  • Size: Goblins are roughly 3 feet tall and weigh between 30 and 60 pounds. Their size is small.
  • Languages: Can speak, read, and write Common and Gerblin.
  • Superstition: Gerblins HATE cats, they think they are demon spies trying to learn their secrets.
  • Minion Mindset: Gerblins naturally bind themselves to a master to serve.


    Bioform Ability

Passive - Regeneration: You recover +1 HP and +1 MP each round.

Jungle Gerblins

  • Most Gerblins are from the primitive tribes that range in sizes of 20-200 Gerblins located within the treacherous Jungle Wilds.
  • Jungle Gerblins are a common threat to everyone on Pandora as they often ambush travelers on the roads near or inside the jungle territories and every so often attempt to raid settlements if their numbers swell enough.
  • They often build their dwellings outside ancient temple ruins believing ancient Gerblins built them.
  • Each tribe of Gerblins worship a different monstrous creature they call their god who fights off other gods who enter the tribe's territory.
  • These Gerblins are always looking for outsiders to offer as living sacrifices to their god believing their god will bless the tribe with good fortune (and they don't have to sacrifice a Gerblin this time.)
  • If their god dies for whatever reason the tribe will seek out a new god to worship immediately.
  • Everything belongs to the tribe and not any individual Gerblin (except the chief.) Food, weapons, beds, clothes, etc. not currently being used is available to anyone of the tribe.
  • Jungle Gerblins don't understand other cultures "ownership" or "buying with coin" concepts.
  • Jungle Gerblins have a deep rooted HONOR system and wear finger earrings, or severed hand necklaces of dishonorable people. Each trinket has a story and a lesson.

Gerblin Pirates

  • Many Gerblins found their way onto pirate ships when the captains realized they climb, swing, and jump easily among a ship's ropes, and can get into tight spaces that humans and orc simply cannot. The fact they can often act as guides through the jungle wilds was a major boon as well for crews looking to pillage ancient temples.
  • Influenced by the pirates, these Gerblin fell in love with concept of coin and personal ownership that wasn't allowed in the jungle Gerblin tribes.
  • Gerblin pirates are often obsessed with collecting as much "shiny" things as they possibly can and love spending coin to add to their person collections of rings, bottles, pets, teeth, guns, daggers, hats, or whatever the individual Gerblin obsessively collects.
  • Many of these Gerblin, like most pirates, dream of collecting enough coin to buy their own ship, house, or tavern one day but lack the discipline to not spend coin they get immediately.
  • Gerblin Pirates are also known to enjoy not only smoking, but eating cigars as if there were carrots and grosses out their non-Gerblin crew members.

Viking Thralls

  • Vikings take thralls (slaves) after successfully raiding an enemy settlement.
  • Thralls can be any bioform, human, merfolk, vampire, orc, and Gerblin.
  • Their treatment in the clan society heavily depends on clan they are thrall too.
  • Mountain Clan Thralls work the mines.
  • Swamp Clan Thralls do all the things the clan doesn't want undead servants to do mostly for the fact they don't smell like a rotting corpse. They are often seen as house servants or forms of entertainment in the casinos.
  • Desert Clan Thralls are taken in as small children and raised as family making them fiercely loyal to the house that raised them.
  • Sky Clan Thralls are often converted into worshipers of Linvala the Sky Queen and forced to work manual labor until proven worthy of joining the sky clan as equals.
  • Jungle Clan Thralls are forced to fight each other to the death for the clans amusement, the winners are given a chance to join the clan if prove their loyalty in a raid. Most are sold to the Swamp clan in exchange for drugs.
  • Many Gerblin thralls were born thralls and never known life outside the clans.
  • Some Thralls are lucky enough to be given freedom by their masters and given arm bands to show their status in a house.