Jungle Clans Organization in Pandora | World Anvil

Jungle Clans

The Jungle Clan's Symbol is CLAWED SLASHES to symbolize the aspect of SAVAGERY.  

Might Makes Right

The Jungle clan doesn't make or build anything. Instead they raid the other clan's territories for resources on a regular bases.  

Divided Clan

The Jungle clans have no single King who rules over the rest. Each group leader refers to themselves as the Jungle Clan King.  

King Title

The strongest and wisest lead their individual clans. Anyone in the clan is allowed to challenge the King for the title opening in front of the clan. It's a battle to the death. Anyone who kills a King in their sleep or any other way outside of a challenge is executed.  


The most common coming-of-age tradition was the choosing of a warname in an act of brutal honor. This usually involves the killing of an enemy in battle. The clan member then earned a war name, a new surname that usually takes the form of a compound word (e.g. Kara Skullcracker, Ronvar Doomfist.) A clan member who has not yet earned a war name is a "Untested," while one who has is worthy of the term "Named Warrior"  


When you have proven yourself in battle or join the clan, the members dig you a shallow grave and bury you alive. When you crawl out you are reborn, all past allegiances and crimes forgotten and you are now called by your new name.  


The clan has tamed some of the most savage beasts in Pandora and ride them into raids. Raptor Riders are some of the most feared warriors to meet on the battlefield.  

No Coin

The Jungle Clans don't believe in coin. Everything was either paid with the "Blood Price" of raids or traded with other clan members.  


Some settlements find it easier to just give the jungle clan resources once a month instead of fighting them. The clan might still attack if they deem the tribute inefficient.  


The Jungle clan wear clothes pillaged from other clans except they adorn bones and skulls of their previous owners on top of them. Every article of clothing has a story behind it.  


The Six have mercy on anyone who becomes a slave to the jungle clans. At best you're charged with laborer jobs like carrying the clan's bags and preparing meals, at worst you put into the fighting circles where you fight other slaves to the death bare handed for entertainment.  

All Warriors are Equal

Man or women, it doesn't matter. If you're strong enough prove yourself in battle you will get all the respect from the clan. All Bioforms are found in the Jungle Clans. It is common for criminals of other clans to carve out a new life in the jungle clans.  

War Harem

Some slaves choose to join their captors harem and can live rather comfortable lives. They raise the clan's children and many warriors are known to treat their harem well, bringing them gifts from their raids. Harems are composed of men and women.  


The Jungle Clans attack everyone, including other jungle clans.  


  Slave fights
Clan members bet items on the outcome. Slaves that win multiple fights can earn the right to formaly join the clan.   Beast Contests
Beastmasters pit their pets against each other for the amusement of the clan. This thins the herd of the weakest beasts and provides meat to eat when needed.   War Stories
There is nothing these clans love more than retelling stories of their raids to other members of the clan. Softhands and Named Men alike join around the fire to hear the tales of victory.   Celebration
Song and dance is common in the jungle clans. After a successful raid you want to celebrate!   Tattoos
It's common for Named Warriors to get tattoos of their victories on the body after raids. The more tattoos one has, the more battle they have seen.  

Death of a Named Warrior

The possessions and harem of those who fall in battle go directly to the Jarl of the clan. The Jarl keeps what they want and then gives the rest away to other members of the clan usually those closest to the one who died.  

Death of a King

When a King dies, his 2nd in command usually takes up the mantle. Anyone in the clan is allowed to challenge them in a fight to the death to take the title themselves.  


The Swamp clan are known to buy slaves from the jungle clans in exchange for moonsnow and weapons   War Beasts
The jungle clans have tamed some of the most savage beasts making them a force to fear in battle.   Spoils of War
From raiding all the other clans regularly, the clans have a little bit of everything as long as their slaves can carry it.  

Examples of PC's linked to the Jungle Clans

  • Your clan was wiped out by something or someone. You will have Revenge.

  • You were a King who got usurped and left for dead. You survived somehow and now seek a magic artifact to make you strong enough to reclaim your title and take your clan back.

  • You seek fortune to buy an army of undead from the swamp clan to conquer and unite all the Jungle Clans. But you refuse to go into debt and risk becoming a thrall and will only pay the price up front.

  • You are after a rare and dangerous beast, you wish to steal one of it's eggs to hatch and raise and conquer all of Pandora with it.

  • You're an ex slave who fought for your right to become part of the clan. You managed to escape later but your changed forever after what you been through.

"The strong feed on the weak."