The Ancient Mycrannian Bloodline in Pandora | World Anvil

The Ancient Mycrannian Bloodline

Player Line Up   Boomy - A Gerblin who could speak to animals and tied explosives on small critters who would kamikaze themselves at enemies.
Gladius - An Orc Raider of the Jungle Clan who wielded an heirloom shield call "The East Wind" that he would throw in battle like captain america.
Fox - A Son of Shadow who lost his voice to the King Under the mountain, He is tormented by the King's whispers and a mask he can't take off.
Ave Dominus Noctis - A half-demon Tortle with 4 arms. Unlike most demons, this one wishes to stop evil and become an icon of justice and righteousness.  
  Dreams of a great demon being unleashed upon Pandora haunted the nights of the 4 heroes of this tale. The dream showed all of them doing battle with the demon that would determine the fate of the future to come. Confused by these visions, 3 of the 4 heroes traveled to see one of the great shamans of the Jungle Clan to give them guidance.   Fox on the other hand was captured as a thrall by the Orc raider Gladius who knew Fox from the vision and freed him from his bindings. Gladius brought Fox to meet the Shaman knowing their fate were entwined together and referred to Fox as now Brother!   The shaman explained to the party that the great demon DaHenny was sealed away many years ago by a person named Mycrannian and that the cultists of DaHenny have found the descendant of of the Myrannian bloodline and will use their blood to free DaHenny from his prison. The party was given a guide to the Cultist's lair known as "The Ranger" for he had been to the temple once before and knew the jungle path well.   The party traveled for multiple days and took rest in an old temple in the Jungle. They discovered a secret chamber under the temple that had a tome of Dahenny on a dais below. Once they disturbed the tome they were attacked by spirit cultists of DaHenny lead by the high priest Krieg. After the fight the party swiftly pushed forward as they knew the clock was ticking.   They made their way to a trophy master bazaar laid deep in the jungle where the group restocked their supplies and met a strange witch who refused to give her name. The witch offered each of the party magical boons in exchange for strange things such as "favors" and pieces of DNA like hair.  
  • Boomy got a magic stone that pointed to the direction her brother Bitey was in.
  • Gladius was given a magic potion that would send him on a spiritual journey to speak to the ancestors
  • Ave Dominus Noctis was given a magic ring that embued them with even more power over flame
  • Fox was given a magical Ice Dagger
  The bazaar was attacked by a group of Gerblin Raiders in the late night. Gladius drank his potion and was knocked out of his physical body where he met the the spirits of his orc ancestors who told him to feast on souls of his enemies using his axe soul eater. Fox immediately casted a sleep spell that misfired and became a sleep storm that luckily only raged across the gerblin invaders putting nearly all of them to sleep. During this time Gladius saw that the gerblins were covered in spectral tentacles not knowing that this was Fox's demonic patron, the King under the mountain, feeding on the victims fox was putting to sleep.   The battle ended with a BANG as the party covered the sleeping gerblins in blaze oil and sent them splattering in all directions. The people of the bazaar came out to cheer their saviors but was interrupted as the ground quaked and a great God Gate emerged from the river behind the bazaar.   The heroes rested and headed into the god gate for the Ranger said this would lead them to their final destination to face the cult of Dahenny.   Inside the party had to pass the trials of the god gate, where they had to battle with a room of silence, a room echoing madness, and ultimately they made their way back outside and straight into an army of cultists where they clashed with DaHenny's War Priest Molag and his daughter Maveina. The battle was fierce, and Molag had to retreat to prepare for DaHenny's summoning and he left his Ice Mage Daughter to finish the job. Too bad for her she was decimated by Ave Dominus Noctis. Gladius gathered what was left of her head and tied it to his belt and the party pushed onward to the summoning chamber.   When they entered they witness the cult of DaHenny finalizing their ritual by slaying the The Ancient Mycrannian Bloodline all over a runed scarred altar which released Dahenny from the dark realms and into the physical world. The surge of magic spread through out the area and Fox begain to seize on the ground as the King under the Mountain took this opportunity to pass through Fox's body and emerge to battle with DaHenny.   The battle raged on, Firey punches and kamikaze critters ignited all over the battlefield. Magic stormed, and even a healing elemental was born from a botched healing spell. Dahenny and War Priest Molag were a threat to behold.   Gladius, ignorant to the fact that Fox had become the King under the mountain, called for his "brother" to meet him on the altar that bound Dahenny for thousands of years. There the two stood in the pool of blood of the slain Mycrannian bloodline as Gladius bled on the altar and rallied the spirits of his orc ancestors to give him the strength to seal the demon DaHenny using his blood as the new binding reagent. The King of the Mountain played the charade of Fox and joined in the ritual but not to seal DaHenny, but to instead absorb the demon into himself.  
This union of demon and eldritch power caused the temple to surge with power as the King under the mountain bursted with tentacles that lashed out to absorb all life nearby. The king was growing, and growing as it devoured the corpses of the cultist leaders and Boomy ran for her little life through an exploding critter who cleared a path for her exit. Ave Dominus Noctis vanished into a cloud of ashy smoke with a look of utter corruption in their flamming eyes. Gladius being in the center of all this was mutated into a tentacle horror and began to chant the name of his new master. As tentacles choked the temple they made their way outside where DaHenny's army awaited, Gladius roared the tale of Dahenny's defeat to the King and the army roared back the name of their new God, the devour of DaHenny, the KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN!