The Six Organization in Pandora | World Anvil

The Six


The Clans of Pandora widely worship the pantheon of The Six in their daily lives.


The AllFather

Represents divine justice, community, the land, good harvest, and putting the needs of others before oneself. The AllFather judges us all in death.  

The AllMother

Represents wisdom, patience, mercy, motherhood, and safe passage. It is said the Allmother commands the wind and waters.

The Warrior

Represents strength, endurance, courage, and mankind's triumph over beasts.
(The Warrior is the child of the AllFather and the AllMother)

The Maiden

Represents passion, joy, beauty, and experiencing life to the fullest. Many artists say the Maiden's kiss invokes inspiration. (The Maiden is the child of the AllFather and the AllMother)

The Maker

Represents craftsmanship, creativity, and dedication to a hard day's work. (The Maker is the brother of the AllMother)

The Magus

Represents the unknown, the pursuit for knowledge, and wielding magic.
(The Magus is the Sister of the AllFather)

Myths and Legends


Creation Myth

The AllFather created the world and the animals that live in it. The AllMother created the people of the world and the AllFather created laws to keep them in order.  

Art and Music

The Maiden adored the people her mother created. She taught them art, music, dance, and most of all love.  

The First Beastmasters

The Warrior taught his mother's people how to not only fight the beasts of the land, but how to tame them into submission.


The Warrior needed more challenging creatures to hunt and asked his aunt the Magus for help. The Magus used her magic to open portals to other planes and dangerous and mysterious creatures wandered into our world for the Warrior to hunt.

Magic Artifacts

The ancient people of pandora prayed to the Allmother to help them survive the dangers of Pandora after the Magus opened her portals. The AllMother took mercy on them and tasked her brother the Maker to forge magic items for people to survive with.


The Magus felt guilty for the chaos she unleashed upon the people. She taught them how to channel Mana from the elements and unlock their hidden potential.

The Golden Age

The time when the ancient people flourished while using the artifacts given to them by the gods.


The Golden Age came to an end when the ancient people stopped paying tribute to the gods. Spoiled by the power of the artifacts they took the god's for granted and proclaimed the gods weren't real. They desecrated the temples and killed the seers. The gods were enraged and destroyed the ancient people. All died except for 5 devout families the gods spared that eventually became the Mountain, Desert, Swamp, Jungle, and Water clans today.

The Ancient Temple Ruins

After Ragnarok, the gods created temples to hide the ancient artifacts of power within them. Those who seek artifact's power would have to prove theirselves worthy by completing the temple's challenges.

The Sky Clan

The sky clan doesn't worship the six and are labeled as blasphemers. The fact that the sky clan females only produce female children is said to be a curse by the six.