The Swamp Clan Organization in Pandora | World Anvil

The Swamp Clan


How the clan views the other factions


Sky Clan

The swamp clan sees much potential in the innovations of the sky clan and is eager to adopt or straight up take any new technology or knowledge they develop for their own benefit. While the Swamp clan doesn't ever dream of joining The Collective and suppressing their emotions in such a way they are however always offering aid to the sky clan in exchange for access to new discoveries of the sky clan.  

Jungle Clan

Members of the jungle clan are a common sight in the swamp clan when they stop by to indulge themselves in the pleasure districts the swamp clan offers. Enslaved thralls the jungle clan capture in their raids are often traded for the swamp's famous narcotic, moonsnow and many of the pit fighting champions are Jungle clansmen and women eager to defend their titles.  

Desert Clan

The desert clan's socialist culture is the polar opposite of the swamp clans form of capitalism. The desert clan has also marked the swamp clan as "evil" for their use of undead servitude and the two clans have been bitter enemies for generations.  

Mountain Clan

The swamp clan is always looking to get their hands on the precious ores and master crafts forged by the mountain clan in any way possible. The mountain clan doesn't approve of the "disrespect of the dead" the swamp clan employs but has been known to hire LIVING mercenaries from the swamp clan in times of need.  

The Immortal Sun Empire

The empire drinks the blood of the living and has the nerve to call the swamp clan "evil" and "immoral" they are no different than the desert clan in the eyes of the swamp clan.  

The Pirates

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The swamp clan is eager to help the pirates "distract" the Immortal Sun empire from turning its gaze toward the swamp clan and is openly welcoming to any pirates seeking refuge or a night of entertainment. The pirates bring not just coin, but foreign goods never seen before on Pandora making them a valuable resource and ally.  

The Merfolk Tribes

Like most viking clans, the merfolk tribes are a constant thorn in their side in their effort to "reclaim" Pandora back for the merfolk. The merfolk exiles on the other hand are very welcoming, as they are a well of knowledge of the secrets of the jungle wilds.

Examples of PC's linked to the Swamp Clan

  • You are indebted to a lending house and seek fortune to pay off your debt to avoid becoming a thrall. Payment is due soon.

  • You are a mercenary or bounty hunter seeking fame and fortune on your latest assignment.

  • You are already a thrall and your master has tasked you with a mission. Assassinations, retrieval of artifacts, protect a customer, etc.

  • You seek aid for the swamp clan, you offer your assistance in exchange for assistance with a problem your clan currently faces.

Their flag is The Moon symbolizing their AMBITION and how nothing is beyond their grasp.