Weasel Warband
They prey mostly upon travelling tradesmen and supply chains. Though they have been known to carry out raids on small villages. A small group of the goblins will wait in the road or approach a resting group and begin performing their dance. The dance consists of the goblins throwing themselves around in what they consider to be dramatic feats of acrobatics, but to the viewer simply looks like ............ They wear naught but bells and warpaint which decorates their bodies in wild blue patterns. The Dance serves to befuddle and confuse the viewer in an attempt to distract them from the real threat, the rest of the war party, which has snuck up unawares from the flank or rear.
A curious goblin who became fascinated by weasels and studied their ways ended up becoming chief. He instigated changes in the way the goblins fought, seeking to emulate the war dances of weasels, which could mesmerise/confuse the enemy leaving them susceptible to attack. Eventually tales of the dancing goblins began to spread, albeit slowly. The shaman of the tribe sought the wisdom of the goblin gods, was presented with a vision of a magic bell that would cause those who witnessed The Dance to forget it. A group of brave goblins set off on an epic adventure to retrieve the bell. Since then the tribe has gained resonable reknown and have managed to become quite wealthy from taking the occaisonal mercenary work.
The shaman found the weasels playing with the bells and through following clues in bits and piees of dreams figured out the bells purpose. (where did the weasels get the bells?)