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Azrael, The Harbringer of Death

In the mystical world of Pangea, where realms of life and death intertwine, there exists a figure of both somber duty and unexpected cheerfulness: Azrael, the Harbinger of Death. Bestowed with this solemn responsibility by Anubis, the wise and powerful Overgod of the Underworld, Azrael approaches his divine task with a unique perspective, for he knows that even in the end, there can be moments of brightness and positivity.   Picture a wondrous scene, where the boundaries of existence blur, and a jovial aura surrounds Azrael as he goes about his business. There he stands, a whimsical sight to behold, appearing as a playful and friendly skeleton, much like the creative musings of a child's imagination. His ivory bones adorned with the wisdom of countless journeys into the unknown.   With a demeanor that defies the usual expectations of a harbinger of death, Azrael embraces those he guides to the null realm with warmth and empathy. His presence feels like a reassuring caress, soothing souls as they transition to the afterlife. A sight that could be unnerving to some becomes a source of comfort, as his twinkling eye sockets seem to hold the secrets of eternity.   Azrael cherishes life and all its wonders, which is why he never seems to be in a rush. With a heart full of compassion, he engages in leisurely activities, sipping tea or puffing thoughtfully on his pipe as he meanders through the ethereal landscapes. His keen sense of humor and quick wit leave even the most anxious spirits at ease, turning what could be a solemn march into a gentle dance towards destiny.   The honor of being personally escorted by Azrael to the afterlife is a blessing coveted by many. For those fortunate souls, their journey remains undisturbed by the turmoil of the in-between, and they find solace in the embrace of this benevolent skeleton guide. Azrael takes care to ensure their passage is tranquil and filled with serenity, like a boat gently gliding across a still pond.   Under the simple black hooded robe that he dons, there lies a heart that beats with empathy and understanding. Azrael's kindness knows no bounds, and his presence brings an air of celebration to the otherwise solemn occasion. The souls he guides might have come to fear the unknown, but they depart with newfound hope and the promise of a grand adventure beyond.   So, should you ever encounter Azrael, the Harbinger of Death, do not be disheartened by his appearance or the gravity of his purpose. Instead, be prepared to witness the wonders of your life in a story of compassion and cheer, as this charming skeleton escorts you with a radiant smile to your chosen afterlife. For in the realm of life and death, Azrael brings a touch of colorful joy to the eternal journey.

__________________________   Azrael has the divine power to visit the any realm, including the material realm an hour before the faited death of any mortal creature.
This also means he cannot create avatars.

Call me Tim

Intermediate Deity, Death


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