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Bwonsamdi, Loa of Death

Bwonsamdi is the powerful loa of death, he controls the souls of the dead, primarily of trolls. Bwonsamdi's hubris in attempting to overthrow a god lead him to eternal imprissonment. Bwonsamdi grows more powerful the more souls are in his care. When released from imprissonment he has 0 souls in his care. Bwonsamdi defeated and drained the prior loa of death, name unknow.  

Bwonsamdi, The Loa of Death

  Alignment: Neutral Evil   Danger Rating: Primal-Rank   Health: 750   Stats and Modifiers:   Strength: 24 (+7)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 26 (+8)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 30 (+10)
Charisma: 24 (+7)
Saving Throws: Wisdom +20, Charisma +15
  Skills: Insight +20, Deception +15, Intimidation +15   Senses: Truesight 120 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 30   Armor Rating: 22
Speed: 15 meters
  Facts/Weaknesses (Wisdom DC 20):   Bwonsamdi's hubris is his Achilles' heel; the DC to resist his charm abilities decreases by 5 if the PCs can convince him that he is invincible or unchallenged.   The souls of trolls that he guards have a symbiotic link with Bwonsamdi, so dealing significant damage to these souls (with the right abilities) weakens his powers temporarily.   Bwonsamdi's ability to control death is formidable, but it comes with a price; he is susceptible to being banished back to his prison if the PCs manage to perform a sacred ritual (Wisdom DC 25) to exploit this vulnerability during the battle.   Fighting Style: Bwonsamdi is an expert manipulator and deathbringer. He uses his charm and necrotic powers to weaken and disable his opponents before dealing the final blow.   Active Abilities and Spells:   Soul Siphon: Bwonsamdi can target a creature within 30 meters and siphon their life force, dealing 6d10 necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, halving the damage on a success.   Soul Manipulation: Bwonsamdi can manipulate the souls of the dead, summoning a horde of spectral undead (AC 15, 75 HP each) to fight alongside him. He can summon 1d4+2 trolls per turn. These undead deal 2d8+4 damage with their spectral weapons.   Death's Embrace: Bwonsamdi can charm a creature within 30 meters, forcing them to make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature is charmed for 1 minute, and Bwonsamdi can control their actions. The charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to break free.   Death Nova (3/day): Bwonsamdi releases a powerful burst of necrotic energy in a 15-meter radius, dealing 10d10 necrotic damage to all creatures within the area. A DC 22 Dexterity saving throw reduces the damage by half.   Passive Abilities:   Soul Collector: For each creature that dies within 120 meters of Bwonsamdi, he gains 20 temporary hit points.   Death's Resilience: Bwonsamdi is immune to being frightened and has advantage on all saving throws against being charmed.   Eternal Lich: Bwonsamdi cannot be moved or teleported against his will.   Legendary Actions (3 Actions per round):   Spectral Grasp: Bwonsamdi can target one creature within 30 meters and restrain it with spectral chains. The creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be restrained until the start of Bwonsamdi's next turn.   Soul Torrent: Bwonsamdi can release a torrent of trapped souls in a 20-meter line. All creatures caught in the line must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.   Death's Resurgence: Bwonsamdi gains 2d12 temporary health until the end of his next turn.   Loot:
Defeating Bwonsamdi yields a trove of rare and powerful artifacts:   Scepter of Soul Binding: A magical scepter that allows the wielder to once per long rest, bind the souls of defeated enemies, granting them limited control over the trapped souls' powers for 24 hours.   Cloak of Death's Embrace: A dark cloak that grants the wearer the ability to charm others and bend them to their will.   Bwonsamdi's Skull Mask: A fearsome mask made from the skull of a shadow troll, providing the wearer with enhanced necrotic abilities (+10 necrotic damage to attacks) and resistance to death magic.

Aspectbrand Sigil:
Description: A magical sigil of a Troll Skull is branded onto a small, unassuming medallion When activated, the sigil glows, imprinting the quintessence of the fallen Loa upon the recipient, creating a new Loa of Death.

Primal-Rank Threat


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