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General Economics of Civilized Pangea

Circa Year 1500 of the Second Age - Co-Authored by Hazarn Rizzla, trade diplomat & Loniel Ve Kliehöer, Master Librarian and Scholar

Low -> High
10 iron bits = 1 Bronze Coin
100 Bronze coins = 1 Silver Coin
100 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin
100.000 Gold Coins = 1 Spirit Coin
Note: Spirit Coins is a perfectly shaped, shining Blue-Golden Coin. Very rarely used in trade.
They are crafted by even novice level Alchemist but using 100.000 gold coins.
Consuming a Spirit Coin will extend your natural life by 10 years.


A dirt-farmer makes 20 gold per month
A common soldier or guard can make between 40-100 gold a month
A Land-owning farmer can make between 60-150 gold a month
A decent merchant can make 100-200 gold a month
An average mercenary soldier can make between 60-240 gold a month
An adventurer or monster-hunter can make between 100-400 gold a month
Royal retainers, such as Royal Smith or Generals can make between 400-1200 gold a month
If the economy is bad, a queen’s/king’s income is 50,000 to 100,000 gold a month before expenses // If the economy is good the income is 200,000 to 500,000 gold a month before expenses
  Note: For a Family of 4 Dirt Farmers to save up enough money to buy a small farm with a single field of farmland for 500 gold, would take them approximately 6-12 years.  

Estimates for Common items:

  Housing: Lodgings at inn: 10-20 silver // 12-24 gold per month   Small farm with a single field of farmland: 500 gold // 50 gold if area is hazardous   A modest farm or house in a city: 10.000-20.000 gold   Large farm of Large house in a city: 20.000-100.000     Common Mundane Items: Bread: 1-2 copper
Ale: 1-2 silver per mug
Basic clothing: 5-10 silver
Lodgings: 10-20 silver // 12-24 gold per month
Rope (50 ft.): 2 gold
Lantern: 5 gold
Bedroll: 1 gold
Water skin: 1 gold
Rations (1 day): 10 silver
Backpack: 2 gold
Iron pot: 3 gold
Sack: 1 silver
Torch: 1 silver
Flint and steel: 1 gold
Basic farming tools (hoe, shovel, rake, etc.): 10 gold
Basic woodworking tools (saw, hammer, chisel, etc.): 15 gold
Basic metalworking tools (anvil, tongs, hammer, etc.): 25 gold
Simple weapons: 5-10 gold
  Luxury Mundane Items: Fine clothing: 20-50 gold
Exotic foods: 5-10 gold per dish
Jewelry: 50-1000 gold depending on quality and materials
Mounts: 100-500 gold depending on breed and training
High-quality weapons: 100-500 gold
  Low-Powered Magic Items: Healing potions: 10-50 gold
Scrolls with minor spells: 50-100 gold
Rings of protection: 100-500 gold
Specialized Magical Tools: 100-800 gold
Cloaks of Protection: 500-1000 gold
Amulets with minor magical abilities: 500-1.000 gold
common, minor magical flying mounts: 1.000 - 3000 gold
  Powerful Magic Items:
Shadow Crystal: 1.000-2.000 Weapons with major enchantments: 5.000-10.000 gold
Armor with major enchantments: 5.000-10.000 gold
Staffs of great power: 10.000-20.000 gold
Extremely Rare Pets: 15.000-50.000 gold
Rare, powerful flying mount with unique abilities: 20.000-100.000+
Artifacts with unique powers: 50.000-100.000+ gold
Spellbooks of legendary magic: 100.000-500.000+ gold
  Custom Item or Rush Job Fees: Custom item fee: 10-50% of the base cost depending on complexity and rarity of materials Rush job fee: 50-100% of the base cost depending on the urgency and complexity of the item  

Rarity Ranking

  Fundamental - This is the highest and rarest tier of magical items. These are objects that are an integral part of the fabric of reality itself, imbued with power that is beyond comprehension. Fundamental items cannot be destroyed, as they are as indestructible as the fundamental forces of the universe. They are often imbued with a level of sentience, and their power is so great that they can reshape reality itself. The only known Fundamental-ranked item is "The Divine Prophecy" held by Themis herself.   Unique - These are one-of-a-kind magical items that are incredibly powerful and often have a specific history or backstory. Examples include the sword ‘Serik’ forged by Elder Dragon fire or ‘The Chronocross Timepiece’ that allows the user to travel through time.   Artifact - These are extremely rare magical items that are highly sought after and can greatly affect the balance of power in the world. Examples include a cloak that grants invisibility or a staff that can summon powerful elementals.   Rare - These are uncommon magical items that are highly valuable and often have unique abilities. Examples include a ring that grants the wearer the power of flight or a potion that grants temporary invincibility.   Uncommon - These are moderately common magical items that have useful abilities but are not as powerful or unique as rarer items. Examples include a wand that can cast minor spells or a charm that increases the wearer's agility.   Common - These are the most common magical items, often found in large quantities and with simple abilities. Examples include a necklace that glows in the dark or a potion that heals minor wounds.  

Tax Laws and Trade Habits:

  Dwarves: A tax on all mined metals and gems. They trade primarily in metals and gems, using their extensive mining operations to supply their cities and trading with other races for goods they cannot produce themselves.
Dwarvish Gold Coins are emblazoned with an image of a Crystal.
  Elves: A tax on luxury goods such as silk, fine wine, and spices. They have a reputation for producing exquisite luxury goods, which they often trade with other races in exchange for raw materials and other necessities.
Elvish Gold Coins are emblazoned with an image of a tree wearing a crown.
  Humans: A tax on all forms of income and goods sold in cities. They trade in a variety of goods, using their large cities and bustling markets to facilitate commerce with other races both near and far. Human Gold Coins are emblazoned with a Tower.
  Orcs: A tax on any goods transported through their territory. While not known for their trading prowess, some orcs may send out individual traders with a single type of good, such as weapons or armor, while others may demand tribute or protection payments from passing caravans.
Orcish Gold Coins are rough and emblazoned with a maw full of sharp teeth.
  Khajiit: A tax on any business or trade conducted within their territory. They have large trade caravans that travel across the land, selling a variety of goods including rare and exotic items from distant lands but also hosting novel entertainment in the form of a circus, arcane fireworks, freak-shows and much more.
Khajiit Gold Coins are the most numerous and are emblazoned with a stylized owl.
  Fauns: A tax on agricultural goods and produce. They are primarily farmers and traders of agricultural goods, often selling their produce to neighboring races in exchange for other necessities.

Faunish Gold Coins are emblazoned with image of a flute.
  Arakkoa: A tax on large businesses, slaves and estates. They are known for their skilled craftsmen and large businesses, often trading with other races for rare and exotic materials needed to create their intricate goods.
Arrakoan Gold Coins are emblazoned with the symbol of pyramid with an eye above it.
  Siren: A tax on all oceanic trade and fishing revenue. They trade primarily in oceanic goods, such as fish, pearls, and other sea creatures, often selling these goods to coastal cities and other maritime races.
Sirens Gold Coins are emblazoned with the image of a vortex
  Norn: A tax on unique luxury goods or services like furs and Ice Harvesting They trade in unique luxury goods like furs and ice harvesting, often selling these goods to races in colder regions.
Norn Gold Coins are emblazoned with the image of ice-capped mountains.
  Minotaur: A tax on mining and metals and Raiding loot They have extensive mining operations and raid neighboring lands for loot and resources, often trading the spoils of their raids with other races in exchange for goods they cannot produce themselves.
Minoteurean Gold Coins are emblazoned with a sword and war hammer crossing.
  Cynos: A tax on agricultural goods, livestock, and land use. They are farmers and ranchers, often trading in agricultural goods, livestock, and offering their lands for use by other races for a fee.
Cynosian Gold Coins are emblazoned with with the image of a claw and a fang.
  Tuskarr: A tax on hunting, trapping, and fishing activities within their territories. They are skilled hunters, trappers, and fishermen, often selling their goods to other races in exchange for other necessities.
Tuskarrian Gold Coins are emblazoned with the image of a turtle.

General Distribution of Social-Economic Groups

Farmers/Ranchers: 50-60%
Soldiers/Guards/Mercenaries: 5-10%
Traders/Merchants: 10-15%
Adventurers/Monster Hunters: 5-10%
Crafters/Breeders: 10-15%
Royals/Merchant Princes: 1-5%

Noteworthy Organizations

  The Official Adventurers Guild: Founded by a group of seasoned adventurers from different species, this multi-species organization is dedicated to providing support and resources to all adventurers who seek fame and fortune on Pangea. They offer training, equipment, and jobs to their members, as well as a network of outposts, contacts and safe houses throughout the land. The guild is highly respected and has a reputation for getting the job done no matter the challenge.   The Sapphire Trade House: The largest trade emporium on Pangea, the Sapphire Trade House is run by enigmatic Khajiit Trade Princes. They are known for their shrewd business acumen and their ability to obtain and trade rare and valuable goods from across the continent. They have a vast network of contacts and agents throughout Pangea, and their trade caravans are heavily guarded by a variety of species to ensure safe passage. The Trade House is also renowned for its grand auctions, luxurious accommodations and entertainment, making it a popular destination for the wealthy and powerful.   The Orkish Mining Cartels: This brutal cartel is dominated by orks, who use their strength and savagery to raid and pillage mines throughout Pangea. They have no qualms about using violence and intimidation to control the mining industry, and have built a fearsome reputation for their ruthlessness. Despite their reputation, they are highly efficient and effective at extracting valuable resources from the earth.   The Brotherhood of the Rat: The Brotherhood of the Rat is a notorious criminal gang known for their secrecy and efficiency. Founded by a group of humans and Khajiit, the organization has since expanded to include a variety of species, from Elves to goblins. They specialize in theft, extortion, and smuggling, and have an extensive network of informants and associates running black-market trade or protection rackets throughout Pangea. Members of the Brotherhood are known for their ruthlessness, resourcefulness, and cunning, and are feared by law enforcement agencies and rival criminal groups alike.   The Wandering Merchant Society: The Wandering Merchant Society is a highly elusive group of magical merchants who travel throughout Pangea, offering rare and exotic goods to those who can afford them. Their caravans are heavily guarded with powerful magic, and they are encountered in the most remote and unlikely places, from the depths of the desert to the peaks of the mountains. The merchants themselves are mysterious and secretive, rarely revealing their true identities or origins. Some say they possess magical powers that allow them to travel great distances in a single bound, while others theorize they worship the chaos Gods of The Abyssal Dystopium.   The Wayfarer Society: The Wayfarer Society is a group of magical scholars who specialize in the study and construction of permanent magical portals. They are the foremost experts in their field, and their knowledge is highly sought after by governments, businesses, and adventurers. The Society is known for its monopolization of portal magic and strict membership requirements, and only the most talented and dedicated scholars are invited to join. Members of the Wayfarer Society are highly respected and wield great influence, both within their own organization and in the wider civilized society.


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