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The Court of Mischief

The Court of mischief Pan is the mischievous god of music, fertility and the wilds. After Pan's creation he wandered the wilds, being the lustful creature he is, he found each of the arch examples of each species of animal, transforming into that animal and having godly offspring with everyone of them. These beings became known as The Loa. Each representing the entire will of that species. This is known as Pans Sexscapades.   Pan has a Twin sister, called Pinya, the God of Academics and Games. Pinya is a wise and thoughtful deity, she enjoys grand olympian games as well as grand political mind schemes. Pan and Pinya has become a little unpopular amongst some of the other gods, as they like to provoke feelings and actions and create drama Pantheon looks as follows-     Pan - Pinya     Divine Source of Power Followers and their Sacrifices


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