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The Magic of Pangea - A Technical Manual

Primal Magic

Primal Magic allows for the manipulation of the elements. There are five types of Primal Magic, and practitioners must master three before advancing to Illustrious Magic. The strength and weakness of each element can be understood by moving clockwise and counter-clockwise, respectively.

Tier 1 spell: d20>12 - Cantrips like Start Fire and Blow Dust - 80% of magic is here
Tier 2 spell: d20>16 - Fireball or Binding Roots
Tier 3 spell: d20>21 - Weather-altering or concentrated primal magic, i.e. Sticky Flame or Searing Ray
Class prefix of Primal mages: “Primal-”. Examples include Primal Druid or Primal Shaman  

Illustrious Magic

The third circle includes the schools of Illusion, Conjuration, Evocation, Abjuration, Transmutation, and Enchantment. Wizards who specialize in each of these schools have their own class prefix, including:
Illusion: “Fae-” or “Mystic-”
Conjuration: “Hexer-” or “Invoker-”
Evocation: “Spell-Slinger-”
Abjuration: “Aegis-”
Transmutation: “Tempered-”
Enchantment: “Runic-”  
Third-Order Wizards are able to cast Illustrious magic:  
Tier 4 spell = Simple spells. ie. summon small creatures or create 2 illusion duplicates
Tier 5 spell = Terrain altering or Empowered tier 4 spells.
Tier 6 spell = Examples: Summon Magical beasts or cast town sized spells

Advanced Magic

The second circle consists of Creation, Fortification, Alteration, and Spectral. A wizard must choose one and forsake its opposite to learn advanced Magic. If a wizard learns all the schools in their second circle, they are referred to as a Creation Sage, Bulwark Sage, Flux Sage, or Spectral Sage.
Second Order Wizards are able to cast Advanced magic:
Tier 7 spell = Combine 2 schools of magic
Tier 8 spell = Combine 2 or 3 schools of magic in powerful ways.

Elder Magic

The first circle consists of Ethereal and Physical Magic. If a wizard learns all the schools in their first circle, they are known as either Arch-Ethereal or Arc-Gravitas.
First Order Wizards are able to cast ‘Elder magic’:
Tier 9 spells, combining 3 or more schools of magic producing Region Sized spells
Tier 10 spell are World or universe altering magic - Combine most or all schools of magic  

Liminal Energy

Liminal Energy, or the energy on both sides of your soul. It is the intermediary between Mana and Spirit.
Liminal Energy is a limited energy within every sapient creature and governs a creatures ability to progress and evolve. Liminal Energy cannot be regenerated naturally.
If at any point a creatures liminal energy is reduced to zero, their max level is permanently set at 19 and the creatures soul can never accept a Divine Spark.
Liminal Drainage is only an issue for mortals casting Tier-10 magic or higher.  

Full explanation of The Third Circle

The Illusion school includes spells that deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, not see things that are there, hear phantom noises, or remember things that never happened. Among these spells include invisibility and disguise self. A wizard who specializes in the schools of illusion is referred to as an illusionist.
Class prefix: “Fae-” or “Mystic-”
The conjuration school of arcane magic calls materials, creatures or energy to the caster and can also be reversed to send creatures to other places, either over long distances or even to a whole different plane of existence. A wizard who specialized in conjurations spells is called a conjurer.
Class prefix: “Hexer-” or “Invoker-”
The evocation school of magic included spells that manipulated energy or tapped an unseen source of power in order to produce a desired end. In effect, they created something out of nothing. Many of these spells produced spectacular effects, and evocation spells could deal large amounts of damage. Many iconic offensive spells such as magic missile, lightning bolt and fireball were of the evocation school. A wizard who specialized in evocation was known as an evoker.
Class prefix: “Spell-Slinger-”
The abjuration school of magic encompassed protective spells. They created physical or magical barriers, negated magical or physical abilities, harmed trespassers, or even banished the subject of the spell to another plane of existence. A wizard who specialized in abjuration was known as an abjurer.
Class prefix: “Aegis-”
The transmutation school of magic consisted of spells that changed the physical properties of some creature, thing, or self. A wizard who specialized in transmutation was known as a transmuter.
Class prefix “Tempered-”
The Enchantment school of magic infuses the mundane and normal with magic creating arcane tools and magical weapons. A wizard who specializes in enchantment is known as an enchanter or enchantress.
Class prefix: “Runic-”
The Necromantic School of magic is a school of magic whose spells manipulate the power of death, unlife, and the life force. Raising allies and foes alike to fight their battles. A wizard who specialized in the necromantic school was called a necromancer.
Class prefix: “Necro-”
The divination school of magic contains spells that enable the caster to learn secrets long forgotten, interpret dreams, predict the future, to find hidden things or foil deceptive spells. Among them are included; detect magic and scry. Divination is often considered the "weakest" of the schools.
A wizard who specializes in divination is known as a diviner.    


Magic users can choose to sacrifice their own life force to increase the tier of their spells. User Level 1: 100% total hp Level 2: 75% total hp Level 3-10: 50% total hp Level 10-50: 20% total hp Level 51-???: 10-1% total hp  


Ritual magic requires the use of specific actions or items to cast a spell, with increasingly complex requirements for higher tiers of spells.
Ritual level 1 (d20 -1 to -2): Dance - Mgical power produced from ritualistic dancing

Ritual level 2 (d20 -2): Concoction - ritualistic items and revere items are boiled together and produce magic

Ritual level 3 (d20 -2 to -3): Smudging - a ceremony for purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place. There are four elements involved in a smudge: The container, traditionally a shell representing water, is the first element.

Ritual level 4 (d20 -3): Runic - symbols are drawn into a surface to channel the magic

Ritual level 5 (d20 -10): Consecration - included all of the prior rituals and a divine element to attract divine attention.

Ritual level 6 (d20 -15 to -20): Carnic Exaltations - Cannibalistic Orgy - The dualistic nature of sex and death is harnessed to empower magic.

Ritual level 7 (d20 -20 to -90): Place of Power - ley lines or artifacts to directly empower rituals with wild or divine magic.


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