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The Old Gods

The old ones From the edge of reality, of Gaia shield the eldrich things lie in wait. The space Gaia had found, had remnants of very old beings, lying sleeping in an eternal slumber on the other side of the veil until the magic of Gaia's undoing brought their old forgotten awareness back. They hold stories of greatness and prosperity under their rule, when the Old Ones roamed alien planets commanding billions to keep their machines of war operational. They scheme and corrupt from deep within the nothingness outside of Reality

Eldritch God Nug the Mind Devourer:

Beware the insidious whispers that echo within your mind, for they may be the harbinger of Nug, the Eldritch God of Corruption. A being of unfathomable malevolence, Nug feasts upon the very essence of sentience, leaving only a hollow shell in its wake. Its twisted tendrils snake into the darkest corners of the psyche, leaving nothing untouched. The knowledge it craves is beyond comprehension, and the insanity it unleashes is beyond measure. Should you hear the telltale whispers, pray for a swift and merciful end, for Nug will consume all that you are, and leave nothing but a mindless husk in its wake.

Eldritch God Cthylla the Ruiner:

Beneath the roiling waves of the ocean, a dark and ancient presence lurks. Cthylla, the Eldritch God of Ruin, broods in the abyssal depths, her malevolence seeping into the surrounding waters. Her tendrils stretch far and wide, ensnaring ships and drawing them inexorably to their doom. Those who dare to brave her realm may glimpse her monstrous form, a writhing mass of tentacles and claws, glistening with the blood of countless victims. To face her is to court destruction, for Cthylla is a force of nature, a harbinger of chaos and destruction that will not be denied.

Eldritch God Nyarlathotep the Realm-Devourer:

Behold the avatar of chaos, Nyarlathotep, the Eldritch God of the Endless Void. A being of unimaginable power, he devours entire realms and shatters reality itself with ease. His tendrils of darkness stretch across the multiverse, twisting and corrupting all that they touch. Those who dare to confront him find themselves powerless against his will, as he reshapes the very fabric of existence to suit his desires. To look upon him is to invite madness, for his form defies comprehension, his eyes blazing with an eldritch flame that sears the soul. Beware the Realm-Devourer, for he seeks to consume all that is, and leave only emptiness in his wake.

  Pantheon looks as follows-     Nyarlathotep Nug Cthylla     Otherworldly Source of Power ???


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