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The Prime Solaris

In the celestial expanse of the cosmos, the Divine Pantheon of Prime Solaris illuminated the firmament, casting their divine essence across the heavens. Born from the very essence of Gaia's love and hope, the celestial sphere was a testament to her good intentions, a radiant sanctuary for the gods that oversaw the universe's celestial bodies.   At the core of this celestial marvel lay Prime Solaris, an opulent palace nestled within the resplendent heart of a colossal, ever-exploding star. This cosmic bastion, bathed in a symphony of iridescent hues, radiated an aura of serene majesty. Within its gilded halls, the divine court stood silent and empty, save for one resplendent figure.   Ra, the God of Light and personification of Gaia's boundless affection, arose from the sun's fiery embrace. A deity of warmth and joy, he smiled upon the splendid realm he now called home. The magnificence of Prime Solaris could not be overstated, but Ra soon found himself longing for companionship in his divine duties.   In a grand act of creation, Ra forged his Elder daughters, Aura and Vera, from the very essence of Prime Solaris itself. These radiant beings, equal in their divine grace, filled the once-empty halls of the celestial court with the light of their presence. The sisters, in turn, bestowed their own gifts upon the pantheon. Aura, shimmering with an ethereal glow, birthed the younger sisters Angora and Polara, while Vera, a beacon of wisdom, created the younger sisters Sporalis and Meralis.   Thus, the Prime Solaris Divine Dynasty - The Star Keepers - came to be. Together, these deities presided over the celestial bodies, guiding the stars and planets in their eternal dance across the cosmos. They shone as beacons of hope and love, serving as eternal reminders of Gaia's benevolence and the importance of unity in the face of great responsibility.   The Star Keepers' divine light flickered across the cosmic canvas, painting a vivid tapestry of celestial beauty that echoed throughout the ages. Their radiant presence instilled awe and reverence in the mortal realms, as they continued their sacred task of safeguarding the celestial bodies in the name of Gaia, their love for her reflected in the skies above.

Ra the Sun-father

  the Daughters of Ra, The Sisters of the Sun
Aura the Elder of Light
Vera the Elder of Warmth
Angora the younger of Mist
Polara the younger of the Arctic
Sporalis the younger of Dawn
Meralis the younger of Dusk
  Divine Source of Power
Gaia’s Suns

Articles under The Prime Solaris


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