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The Void Shard Staff

The Void Shard Staff   Staff, Artifact (requires attunement by a being of near godlike power - CON 25, INT 20 & STR 20)   Appearance:
The Void Shard Staff is an awe-inspiring artifact of immense size, standing at 3 meters tall, An aura of light-consuming darkness tinged with deep purple and shimmering stardust and seems to bend and distort as you watch it. The staff is adorned with intricate celestial carvings that depict cosmic phenomena, ancient deities being torn asunder, and the collapse of entire universes. At its apex, an accretion disk, born from the contained black hole, spins with such ferocity that it distorts reality around it, causing space and time to ripple.   Abilities:   Eclipse of Eternity: Once per long rest, as an action, the attuned being can unleash the full might of the black hole contained within the staff. The staff amplifies the black hole's gravitational pull, drawing everything within a 1-mile radius towards it. Creatures and objects caught in this cataclysmic pull must make a DC 25 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are helplessly pulled toward the accretion disk, taking 20d10 force damage and being restrained until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half damage and are not restrained.   Riftwalker's Descent: The wielder can open a rift to the heart of the cosmos, instantly transporting themselves and up to ten willing creatures within 100 feet to any plane or location of their choosing. This ability can be used once per day, and no restrictions apply to the destination. The staff's wielder can also shape and bend the environment within a 1-mile radius of their destination, reflecting their will over reality itself.   Reality Sunder: By channeling their godlike power into the staff and consuming the accretion disk, the wielder can unleash a devastating beam of celestial energy that cuts through all barriers, defenses, and even the boundaries of existence. This beam can be used once per short rest and requires a DC 25 Intellegence-based spell attack roll. It deals 23d100 force damage to all targets in its path, and it ignores immunities, resistances, and any form of protection, tearing through both space and time. After using this ability, the wielder is temporarily weakened, reducing their INT score by 20, CON score by 20 and their STR score by 20 until they complete a long rest.
(INT score of 0 cause the "brain dead" condition, CON score of 0 cause the fatal "heart Failure" condition and STR score of 0 cause the condition "muscle Failure")

"In the wake of the cataclysmic strike, existence seemed to gasp in disbelief, as if the very tapestry of reality had been torn asunder, leaving frayed edges in its once orderly weave. The void echoed with the cosmic anguish of obliterated souls, and the remnants of shattered dimensions whispered haunting tales of untold worlds and civilizations now lost to the void. This was no mere act of destruction—it was the rending of destiny itself. All that stood before the onrush of this nullifying cascade found their dreams, hopes, and histories erased, their very essence absorbed into the insatiable hunger of the void. Praise the great lord, for his power is absolute."
- Unknown Priest of Entropy   Divine Relic:
This relic is inherently tied to the god Lord Entropy, Overgod of The Abyssal Dystropium. When Wielded by Lord Entropy there are no limitations on the abilities of the staff.
  Wrath of the Abyss: The tremendous power wielded by the Staff of the Celestial Oblivion comes at an extraordinary cost. The very act of harnessing its abilities risks tearing the fabric of reality and attracting the attention of cosmic entities and ancient deities. They may perceive such a display of power as a challenge and seek to eliminate the wielder, unleashing cosmic horrors and divine avatars to end the threat posed by this artifact.

Celestial Relic
Bound to Lord Entropy
Item type
Weapon, Other

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