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The Death of Gaia // Birth of the World

Celestial / Cosmic

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A new age dawns

In the beginning gaia drifted through the empty realm of pre-void, she created a sphere of ice and rock, she decided to call it home. In this place she extended herself to the very core of her new home, She called it Pangea. Pangea was a stormwind of violent natural forces and primal life, all battling an endless war for survival, not a single pebble on this Pangea would stay in one place for long.   Gaia sees a tiny creature evolve into existence only to be immediately snuffed out by a massive fire storm, which tore at her heart. She now saw the potential of Pangea, forcing her to take action to this catastrophe - leading the way for new life. she needed to create peace, she needed to create balance.   She split herself into the most fundamental forces and with all her might she stretched these forces as far apart as they would go without breaking. Right before the creation of the four realms, Gaia knew she would no longer retain her mind, yet only wept for joy as her mind was torn apart, imagining the beautiful potential that would grow and experience the universe. Thus the mind of Gaia was gone, split in 4 pieces.   Her dreams and hopes shot into the universe around her, lighting up the darkness, birthing billions of stars.     Her hate and anger stretched into the earth and rock to fester, slowly growing into a vortex of parasitic infernal energy.   Her Justice and Wisdom joined and forged the Eternal Prophecy.   Her Restlessness and unpredictability grabbed onto the threads of void remaining in the universe condensing it into a realm of its own, fleeing into it.   And thus Pangea was born and the First Age had begun. The age of Warring Elements.  

“Gaia, The Mother of Earth, God of living nature, the creator of all; made the four pantheons of Divine, Abyssal, Order and Chaos to gain control and to balance the forces in the universe. “
- Unknown Priest of the Frst Age

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