SECRET PLANS Prose in Pangorio | World Anvil



Day 1
1) Fawkes Fairchild impatiently waits for Shyri Cragjumper to sneak out, contemplating things until she joins him.
2) Together the walked along, planning to carry out a brandy heist Shyri wanted to do, but they are sudden'y joined by her annoying little brother Thimmy. Soon, after, members for eh Hand come by and they, and Fawkes realizes they are moving the book stolen from his murdered Grandfather. He sends the sbilings hm and follows the Hand.
3) Fawkes uses his two very special dogs to track the Hand only to find them dead and teh book stoeln by nisslings.
Day 2
4) The next morning, Shyri comes by but is once again interrupted by Thimmy. Once they leave, he meets the old fisherman named Bristol.
5) After sharing a meal with Bristol, Fawkes visits the Brethren at the Oddes Shoppe where he is told to practice his magic.
6) Fawkes scries for the location of Garzio and the nissling who stole it, and makes a map to go into the Thrundank Swamp after them.
7) Bristol agrees to take him into the Thrundank.
Day 3
The next morning, they head out.
8) They travel throguh the Thrundank.
9) They find a lair and Fawkes goes in.
10) Fawkes makes his way deep intot he nissling lair.
11) He reaches the Boss Cave only to find a mysterious wizard is there and leaves with the book.
12) Fawkes and Bristol return to Blackstone without the book.
13) Fawkes and Bristol have a drinking and placards night at the Cragjumper's Alehouse.
Day 4
14) Thimmy pays Fawkes a brotherly visit.
15) Kipess visits Fawkes and they make a deal: Fawles tells him about the Hand, and Kipess will help him find the hiding place of the mysterious wizard.
Day 5
16) Someone tries to steal the Gosling but PeyPey stops him and teh Hands river ship, the Eddy Rider, arrives in Blackstone.
17) Fawkes uses magic to learn how many wizards are now in town and a second attempt is made on the Gosling.
18) Shyri comes to the Gosling and convinves Fawkes to carry out that brandy heist.
19) Shyri and Fawkes sneak through town.
20) Shyri and Fawkes go into Haggler's Distillery and steal a crate of brandy and overhear the Hands secret plans.
21) Kipess returns with the location of the secret cache and they sneak to the cemetery and meet a sorcerous elf.
22) The three of them go into the crypt, set off a trap, and find a secret staircase.
23) They explore down the staircase where Fawkes finds Garzio.
24) Fawkes returns to the Gosling and has to hide Garzio.
The very next morning, Shyri comes to him in tears: Thimmy is missing!  


Day 6
1) Fawkes and JuJu search Blackstone for Thimmy and, near the warehouses, JuJu smells something.
2) In an old boathouse out in the river, they find a badly beaten Bristol. JuJu sneaks back to the Gosling to get Fawkes' pack with the medine bag inside.
3) Mixing up a healing potion, Fawkes treats Bristol who tells them that Thimmy is aboard the Eddy Rider and will be killed soon if he is not dead already. Leaving Bristol to continue healing, and stay hidden, in the old boathouse, Fawkes and JuJu leave the boathouse.
4) Sneaking back to the Gosling, Fawkes prepares himself and then he and Peypey slip aboard the Eddy Rider where Fawkes kills a Hand drunk on watch. Lookng into the Captain's Quarters, he sees someone who looks very much like Thimmy.
5) Fawkes goes in to rescue Thimmy but discovers heinous magic going on that he has to undo, in the process, someone tres to get in AND something is disturbed. They manage to escape, with Fawkes releasing whatever captured magic that begins to assault the Eddy Rider and lets them escape.
6) Fawkes sneaks Thimmy aboard the Gosling then sends JuJu wiht a desperate message to the Cragjumpers. They then wait and watch as Mr. Cragjumper leads a citizen revolt against the Eddy Rider.
7) With the Eddy Rider fleeing out of Blackstone, the Cragjumpers come and take Thimmy home.
Day 7
Fawkes sleeps until noon where, feeling very joyful at the defeat of the Hand, goes into town where he is disgusted to learn that not all the Hand has left town, and he retreats back to the Gosling.
8) Determined to make this a victorious day, Fawkes sets about doing just that. Thimmy and Shyri brings two very loaded baskets to Fawkes as a family thanx for saving Thimmy.
9) Fawkes and Bristol talk about him needing a crew for teh Gosling, and when Fawkes returns to his keelboat, Kipess is waiting to have some sttange item identified.
10) Fawkes identifies the magic item for Kipess and, feeling very confident now, sets Garzio free. The book promptly gives him a paper cut and starts talking in his head. It tells Fawkes they need to do some more magic.
11) Fawkes, with Garzio no longer a book but a familair able to take on two forms, goes to visit the Brethren. Finally, there is news. He is no longer a full member of the Brotherhood, and has been given the ring to his Grandfather's vaults.
12) Returning to the Gosling, Fawkes goes to see Bristol and hires him as his helmsman. Bristol tells him he has some fellows in mind that would make a good crew. Fawkes then goes to the vaulting house to get into Grandfather's vault.
13) Fawkes is carrying the magical ship's wheel back to the Gosling with JuJu carrying several books strapped to his harness when he is attacked by 6 Hands. The fight turns ugly and only Bristol and his two friends arriving when they did manage to save Fawkes. Bristol introduces them as men who want to join his crew. Fawkes accepts and they head back to the keelboat.
14) At the Gosling, Fawkes does the formal paperwork as tradition for signing all three of his new crew.
15) After installing the new ship's wheel, Fawkes takes his new crew to Cragjumper's for some supper and to order more ales. As his crew settled in and Fawkes retired to his cabin, he began to wonder what were in all those journals Grandfather had written.
16) Hoodwink goes spying on the Hand. After causing a bit of mayhem, he returns to the Gosling.
17) Setting his crew to preparing the Gosling, he took one of his new crewmen, Guir, with him as he went about ordering provisions. They run into Shyri who wants to join his crew. Fawkes points out that to do so formally, they would end up married before the Gosling was readied, and asking like this out in public was not wise. She agreed to think things through.
18) The All Gods Temple river ship, the Sunrise, arrives in Blackstone, If Thimmy gets to any of those clerics and confesses what he has witnessed, and written confessions were valid, it would go very badly for the captain of the eddy rider and might even cost the Hand their only river ship. Keeping Thimmy alive was going to be difficult. Fawkes and his menagerie make plans.
19) Fawkes has a very intense talk with the Cragjumpers. SHyri is going to be a part of his crew.
20) Fawkes is rudely awakened by Garzio and JuJu is sent to take care of Parks, once and for all.
21) After a day of training his crew, they are in the alehouse when Cragjumper askes for Fawkes to add Thimmy to his crew as well, and Fawkes agrees and both are ready to leave.
22) The daring escape from the Hand as they leave Blackstone.  

Book Three:

1) Arriving in Honey Port and Shyri and Thimmy disembark, leaving the Gosling, and Fawkes' life, to begin their new plan to survive.
2) Fawkes decides to read one of Grandfather's journals.
3) Fawkes has a dream about Cloud Fang.
4) Fawkes decides they are going up the Flint Rock as he really needs to get away fromt he loss of Shyri in his life.
5) Preparing to leave Honey Port
6) SHYRI has a meeting at the Twisted Tams
7) Fawkes arrives at Millerton
8) A convo with Hoodwink who has become addicted to anything with apples.
9) Fawkes and Guir go exploring up the Flint Rock and find the shrine Grandfather had written about, only its was not forgotten. Someone was there, a priestess of Boki, who tells him his visit was expected though she had no idea when he would arrive. Further, she has a quest for him. Find the Eyes of Boki and she tells him to seek an elf in Pearlshore.
10) Fawkes and Guir return to Millerton where Fawkes has another dream with Cloud Fang, who teaches him how to fly the Gosling.
11) SHYRI & THIMMY, as new Silvers, have ridden to Siltshoals and are shaking down a tavern owner who has been too slow in paying up to the Silver. To keep the silvers protecting Thimmy, they do it.
12) Realizing none of his maps or charts reach above the waterfall, he buys a new map in Millerton, which is surprisingly well-detailed, and plots a route to Pearlshore which is near the topwaters of the Flint Rock Falls.
13) The Gosling arrives in Pearlshore in the morning and, for once, no one seems to notice. Garzio is sent to find the elf. Fawkes goes into town to walk his dogs, one at a time, but FRYNK insists that he can't go alone, so Fawkes lets him come along. There is a scream and they find someone screaming over the body of a woman draped over a stone urn. They overhear the "investigation". JuJu picks up a blood trail and leads them to a closed up house.
14) With no one around, Frynk picks the lock and they go in and find a two coded journals and a strange amulet in a secret room. No one seems to be around so they leave.
15) They return to the Gosling which has finally attracted a crowd and they join in the work of selling spices. That night Fawkes begins work on translating the journals.
16) SHYRI and THIMMY, camped outside of Silthsoals, make their way into town at night to shakedown a shopkeeper selling baubles. Shyri finds this sort of work repulsive, but Thimmy seems to enjoy it.
17) The next day, the spice trade is brisk until there is a scream. Another murdered woman has been found. This spurs Fawkes to retreat to his cabin and really apply himself to the journals.
18) The next day, Garzio cheerfully reports that he has found the elf who goes by Runylyk. He will not talk unless fawkes does something for him, to prove his really is an Acolyte. A venture of his has been taking overlong and sending back ridiculous complaints and perhaps an Acolyte would be just what they needed. Seeing no other choice, Fawkes agrees.
20) Determined to not leave Pearlshore with a woman killer, he finally decodes the journals. He learns the killer is not going to stop until they get all the "parts" they need for some fell magic, which means they are gonna be hunting another woman tonight. Fawkes, Frynk, and JuJu go out and, sure enough, they encounter the killer, who flees when confronted by JuJu. Fawkes then lies to the town watch and says that, during the scuffle, the man babbled something about fell magic and his lair within <first victim's name>'s house. He then returns to the Gosling and sets his scrying stone spell to find where this Vendyngyr venture is. He makes a map.
21) SHYRI & THIMMY shakedown the proprietor of a boarding house. With the last of their SIlver business done, they return to Honey Port with their collections. They are paid a meager tenth of the collections, but have now earned their places within the SIlvers.
22) Vendyngyr is not located near any bodies of water that can fit a keelboat, so he decides to get a donkey cart for supplies so he, JuJu, and Guir can walk there. Frynk and Bristol are content to stay behind selling spices with Pey Pey.  

Future Plots

1) Fawkes and Guir arrive at Vendyngyr to find three Engi packing up a camp. They tell of the dead walking about, angry. Their leader, Num-Udri-Sod'r, remained inside, unafraid and feisty. Leaving Guir outside with the donkey cart, Fawkes and JuJu enter Vendyngyr.



1) Lions: Relying mainly on their stealth and speed, Lions can take a victim by surprise.   2) Wolves: I heard thei eerie howling, the wolves calling their kindred across the lands.   3) Merfolk of the Pearl Trident: Most human scholars believe that Merfolk are the survivors of sunken Ysytlot, humans adapted to the waters. Merfolk, however, believe that humans sprang forth from Merfolk who adapted themselves in order to explore the land.   4) Vampire Bats: "For something is amiss or out of place when mice with wings can wear a human face."   5) Will-o'-the-Wisp: "About, about in red and rout the death-fires danced at night. The , like a witch's oils, burnt green, and blue, and white."   6) Terror Bird   7) Ryllinyw Elves: Hardened by their life in the haunted Ryllinyw Forest, these fierce beings are outcasts among elvenkind.   8) Synf Asp   9) Basc'r Sprites: The only sound was the gentle clicking of the Fairy Wings. Then those intruders who where still standing turned and fled. One thing was certain: they didn't think the Basc'r Sprites were funny anymore.   10) Nyshinod Dryads: Moving without sound, swift figures pass through branches and undergrowth completely unhindered. One with the trees around them, the dryads of Nyshinod Forest are seen only when they wish to be.   11) Snapmaw Turtle


1) Brainwash: "They're not your friends; they despise you. I'm the only one you can count on. Trust ME."   2) Visions: "Visions of glory, spare my aching sight. Te unborn ages, crowd not upon my soul."   3) Firebreathing: "And topples round the dreary west a looming bastion fringed with fire."   4) Crumble: The spirits of Ythirg grant new life to those who repeat the folly of enslaving their labors to devices.   5) Wall of Wood: Everybody knows that to ward off troubles, you know on wood. But usually its better to make a wall of the wood and let trouble do the knocking.


1) Flood: "A dash of cool water does wonders to clear a cluttered battlefield."   2) Marsh Gas: "Comes right outta th' ground. If ya can smell it, it's too late."   3) Eternal Warrior: These warriors spend years in training to master the way of effortless effort.   4) Kypyshol Troll Raiders: The intricate dynamics of troll affairs are often confused with anarchy. The chaos, however, is the chaos of a thundercloud and direction will sporadically and violently appear. Kypyshol and his Raiders are the thunderhead that leads in the storm.   5) Winds of Change: "Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales, which tells us the way to go."   6) Sandstorm: Even the landscape turned against them, first rising up and pelting them, then rearranging itself so they could no longer find his way.   7) Helm of Kychtez


Ivory Tower: white marble yellowed from age

Creature 1) Lions, 5) Will-o'-the-Wisp, 8) Synf Asp   Magic 1) Brainwash   Misc 4) Kypyshol Troll Raiders, 5) Winds of Change  

Lions, Brainwash, Kypyshol Troll Raiders, Will-o'-the-Wisp, Winds of Change, Synf Asp

Library of N'Gul

Creature 2) Wolves, 7) Ryllinyw Elves, 9) Basc'r Sprites   Magic 2) Visions   Misc 3) Eternal Warrior, 6) Sandstorm  

Visions, Wolves, Ryllinyw Elves, Eternal Warrior, Basc'r Sprites, Sandstorm


Creature 4) Vampire Bats, 6) Terror Bird, 10) Nyshinod Dryads   Magic 3) Firebreathing, 5) Wall of Wood   Misc 2) Marsh Gas  

Marsh Gas, Vampire bats, Firebreathing, Terror Bird, Wall of Wood, Nyshinod Dryads

Strip Mine

Creature 3) Merfolk of the Pearl Trident, 11) Snapmaw Turtle   Magic 4) Crumble   Misc 1) Flood, 7) Helm of Kychtez  

Flood, Merfolk of the Pearl Trident, Crumble, Snapmaw Turtle, Helm of Kychtez

Whole Story

  Chapter One: PANGORIO Kipess gets caught in a hurricane and ends up in a ramblebark tree that is annoyed with the storm that has broken off a favorite branch. It is ancent an powerful and teleports to Fadeas   Chapter Two: FADEAS: Library of N'Gul   Chapter Three: FADEAS: Oasis   Chapter Four: FADEAS: Strip Mine   Chapter Five: FADEAS: Ivory Tower   Chapter Six: TOY SOLDIER SAGA Calamine the Brass Gnome in a Space Paddleboat (two side wheels and a tail rudder for steering. Orni the anurathopter: a frog with a gyrocopter that rises out of its back when needed. Together, they rescue Bamph and Kipess in space.   Burrfjord is a very old bandar-laggin and in a loving rivalry with Brynnyn, a female bandar-laggin as old as he is. Both have lived in Broken Keel Bend for so long, that neither remembers which of them is older. For centuries he has played the game, winning as often as Brynnyn. Winning meant being in charge of the ballroom and protecting the bend from intruders, both of which Burrfjord was a master of.   It was he who had stranded the ship upon the rocks just off shore but it was Brynnyn who had been protecting on the sunny day when a stranger flew to the ship and hid something within it then vanished. Had the stranger set one foot upon the rocks or the shore, Brynnyn would have dispatched him. Since he did not, he lived.   Once the mist returned, Burrfjord eagerly explored the ship, which was in his domain, and discovered a chest. In the chest was a strange magical sack that wriggled about. Oh, it was perfect! A new trophy for the game! But ... should the trophy be the bag, or what was in the bag? He spent days trying to peer through the bag's magic but to no avail. Then, one day, he decided to open the bag. A book flew out and raced for the exit from Burrfjord's lair. Suddenly, Brynnyn leaped off a wall where she had been hiding as a tiny tree frog, changing into a brine wolf in mid-air, catching the book in her jaws. She dashed deeper into Burrfjord's lair, escaping through his door into the ballroom.   Burrfjord was not upset but delighted! As keeper of the Ballroom, it was she who was in charge of choosing the new trophy, and she had chosen the book. The game was now afoot! The game was played very well, and he had won back the trophy when it made its own escape out beyond the range of all their domains. Oh, how Burrfjord had raged and furied over the loss!   All the Bend was in an uproar. For the first time ever a trophy had escaped and it was decided that it was Burrfjord's fault. He had to be punished. Brynnyn led the invasion into his lair. Burrfjord was captured and placed in the very chest the trophy have arrived in. She then hid it back aboard the stranded ship in the very spot it had been. He expected he would be stuck in the chest until Brynnyn cooled off and settled himself in for a wait. But things took a horrific turn. The stranger returned and took the chest with Burrfjord in it! Oh, no! Where in the world was he?!   "Raise anchors!" Fawkes shouted as soon as JuJu was onboard. "Shyri, put away the rope." Guir rand to one anchor and Fawkes went to the other.   "You two row!" Fawkes commanded as soon as the anchors were up then helped Shyri get her oar into the water as she had never done it before. "Move as Guir moves."   Fawkes then went to the helm and turned it to steer The Gosling away from the bank. Bristol and Frynk, having wound up their lines, joined The Gosling. With The Gosling now out into the current, Fawkes ordered Guir and Shyri to stop rowing and help get the rest of the crew on board while Bristol and Frynk tossed aboard their catch then tarped down the fishing boat. Frynk was just finishing the last knot to keep the fishing boat tied to The Gosling when the book flew over the river and into Fawkes' arms.   "Bristol, take the helm!" Fawkes shouted and hurried to put the book in his cabin. For now, he tossed it on the bed and closed the door. From the bank a howling swirled the the reeds, rippling the water as a creature bigger than a man beat its unnaturally long arms on the shore. Its green skin was covered with a brown fur than took on a violet hue when the light shone on it just right. The ripples did not reach The Gosling but they did reach the fishing boat and began to pull them back towards shore.   "All hands man the oars!" Fawkes yelled and ran to the helm. "Row hard!" He yelled again. "Row for your lives!"   His crew dropped in their oars and slowly, ever so slowly, they pulled away from the shore and the screaming bandar-laggin. The Gosling moved on, pulling the fishing boat out of the reach of the ripples. The bandar-laggin did not follow them along the shore, but Fawkes kept them well away from the bank.   "Away with the oars!" Fawkes commanded and, as soon as the oars were stowed, he returned the helm to a tired Bristol. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fawkes returned to his cabin but left the door open as well as the little window. It was a bit stuffy and smelled of things he had used to cast the spell. He dug in his stow for Grandfather's working journal. The others had all been burned after he had written whatever they held in his fancier volumes and transcribing over things he said were yet unfinished. Grandfather had even complained that they took up almost half the book. Fawkes was still on his first working journal and it was not even half full even with the pages of The Hand cypher he had recently added.   Sitting at the table, he opened Grandfather's working journal and began to read. He felt uncomfortable prying into Grandfather's private works even though he was sure Grandfather would be pleased he was taking up his work, something Grandfather had always said was to be his duty. His feelings were forgotten as he became intrigued with the first unfinished business starting right at the first page.   Before the end of the Gateway and the fall of wizardry from the dominion of kingdoms, Grandfather had discovered a mystery. Four apprentices had disappeared, lost to their families and the Grand Academy within the Grand Archives. Searches had been carried out looking for them, but not even scry magic from the ranking wizards of the High Guild could find them or even any trace of their remains. Grandfather found this to be very suspicious and he began his own search. He did not waste time using scry magics as he felt certain that wherever they were was cloaked against scrying. Instead, he began to investigate wizards at the Grand Academy. What he had found was there was a secret order of wizards with members secretly scattered throughout all the orders within the High Guild. Some of them had been at the Grand Academy. Those who had been in the academy were under the direction of a higher wizard within their secret order, a Conductor named Skitjuf Eastman. Conductors were the wizards who controlled all the portal of The Gateway. When the Gateway was destroyed, they became the most hated of all wizards as most people blamed them for it. Even now, three years later and all Conductors believed to be hunted to death, bounties still remained. Fawkes did not feel sorry for the Conductors. They had been the most powerful order of the High Guild, using their control of The Gateway to command kings and rulers to do their bidding, or getting rich from the bribes of lesser citizens just to use The Gateway.   One of the secret members at the academy had crafted a wand in four parts. But he suddenly died and the four parts became lost. The four apprentices were assigned to find the missing parts of the wand as a test for graduation. That is when they disappeared. The test of finding the missing parts of the wand became banned from the curriculum and forgotten and, eventually, so did the search for the missing apprentices.   Fawkes turned to the next empty page in his own working journal and title it, The Lost and Forgotten. Back in Grandfather's journal, he had written that he had heard of an old Shrine to Yzery, an angel of Puliro, god of the sun near Honey Port. He had thought it might be a good place to hide a part of the wand but had never found the time to trek to it as he was getting too old and aching for a treks. Fawkes excitedly wrote that in his working journal.   'I see why you suggested Grandfather's journal after I said we were going to Honey Port.' He thought to Hoodwink who was still a toad perched on his shoulder.   A fly buzzed by and a long tongue shot out, snatching it from the air. Hoodwink chewed.   Dyvu Rapp grew up on a hopps farm near the town of Blackstone. He hated the farm life and when the opportunity came to join a band of dragon hunters, he took it. For the next five years, he went from a sixteen year old farmboy to a seasoned hunter. At the end of those five years, his hunting band passed through Blackstone again. Dyvu quit the dragon hunters and joined the Town Watch, the name given to the guards in Blackstone.   The Town Watch had a long history of being bribed to look the other way, and Dyvu eagerly took up the practice himself. One day, he arrived at work to learn that Bearro Cragjumper had been murdered. It had been the work of The Hand, a gang of thieves with a reach throughout all the kingdom. The murder had not been intended. In fact, Bearro had been friendly to The Hand. It was his brother Boarz who was the stickler. An over zealous thug had decided to force Bearro to convince his brother to be more reasonable, but took it too far. Dyvu was ordered to bring the killer to justice only to later be bribed by The Hand to do no such thing. Dyvu agreed.   Boarz was a very forceful man and beloved by the townsfolk. He had earned a great reputation as a river marine fighting pirates and scoundrels on the Darkwater River before returning home to join his brother in the family business. Boarz Cragjumper learned Dyvu was not only in charge of bringing justice for his brother but had taken a bribe to stop. He has hated Dyvu ever since and this has led to more than one clash between them. Tossing Boarz into the gaol on a made-up charge was not possible in Blackstone, which meant Dyvu could not get rid of Boarz so easily.   Over the next twenty some odd years, their clashes have become a part of Blackstone life, though much less so since Dyvu became captain of the town watch. The only reason for that was that, as captain, he did not have to be out on the streets encountering townsfolk as he used to. Despite Cragjumper, Dyvu was very content with how his life was going.   And then, The Gosling  sailed into town.   One of The Hand's thugs was thwarted from robbing the room of a keelboat trader by a strange book that attacked the thug who felt lucky to escape out the window with his life. Such books are very rare and the moment Riburt Killor heard of it he knew he had to have it. Unfortunately, The Hand had a ready market for magical things and knew such a book would fetch them a great price.   This was merely a complication to Killor. He informed The Hand that the owner of such a book was an old mage and very dangerous, as it took a powerful mage to control such a book. He suggested that they dispatch of the mage then steal the book, which will be weakened enough by the death of its master than it could be captured in a special pack he would craft for them.   The Hand decided that, Killor must see to the wizard while their thieves would bag the book and take it to their fence at the old abandoned haybarn.   It was a great plan, and Killor delighted in it as it allowed him to hire the local nissling tribe to steal the special pack, stitched with special markings.   With the nisslings hidden in the Thrundank Swamp where not even the swampers of Honeyshade could find them, he would have the book without anyone knowing it. Perfect!   And then ... the day of the deed came and he entered the Blackstone Inn to find the old mage was somone he recognized from his old life from three years ago! Panic! He HAD to kill him in one spell! Without a second thought, he cast it, not caring how many others would die or how much damage he would do to the Blackstone Inn, a silent parnter of The Hand.   And this is where the story begins ...   The plot Begins:  
1) AUDIO CLIP WITH IMAGE/SILHOUTTE BACKGROUND: bad guy only   A mysterious figure, a conspiracy theorist, publicly declares King Bob an evil literomancer. Claims that Bob,from the present, summoned the Asteroid to strike in the past and wipe out all the other dinos just so The Swamp would remain as the only dino house and he could become King of the Dinos.(Platypus solo)
  2) BODYGUARDS AT THE WATCHING DOGS CLUB   3) AUDIO RECORDING OVER RAPTOR SQUAD BACKGROUND BANNER Saph-A, Emily, Dazz with our mini images again (though this will be the one with me on the jungle bike)   I am riding the jungle bike on a patrol through the swamp, when I suddenly smell fresh tar. I look around for where it could be when suddenly the jungle bike sinks through the leafy ground cover. I and the bike are now stuck in a quick-tar! (will slowly sink in until under the surface and drown in the tar. I call for help!!!   Saph-A and Emily are in the hidden cave taking their turn ar making rubbings of the dino hieroglyphics when they hear a roar (dino or dragon roar). The two recognize the roar as mine and discuss about coming to see what's going on.   When they arrive we role-play the rescue where I INSIST the bike must be saved too. I protect that there was not supposed to a tar pit, hidden or otherwise, on the ptraol trail. Saph-A is impressed at how well the signs of the workmen having made the tar pit are so well covered up. Emily suggests we look at the work orders and see if there was a mistake. I order Emily to see to the searching of work orders and send Saph-A out looking for more hidden tar pits before someone else falls in. END   4) AUDIO RECORDING OVER RAPTOR SQUAD BACKGROUND BANNER Emily with mini image (solo)   Emily, (rustling papers), grumbles as she finds a work order with a faked signature in the last batch of work orders. It's the fifth one and Saph-A has only reported finding three others beyond the first one that had caught the captain. She makes a note that she must tell Sapha-A there is one more somewhere in the swamp.   Emily sets the papers side by side (more paper rustling) and comapres the fake signatures ... they looked almost the same with each having two typo'd wrong letters in the signature. Each wrong letter was different. She scribbles them down and then plays a bit of a game to see what they spell. She gasps! They spell out "The Company". She dashes out (hurried footsteps) exclaiming she has to tell the captain! END   5) AUDIO RECORDING OVER RAPTOR SQUAD BANNER Raptor Captain brings this to King Bob's attention, which brings suspicion back to the crazy theorist. (Bob and Squad audio)   6) AUDIO CLIP WITH IMAGE/SILHOUTTE BACKGROUND: bad guy only   Sings evil anthem filk to Skyfall by Adele   EMILY (she/her), a propagandist, needed to up her skills so decided to try and ... "learn" from the best, GoTzon. To do that, she needed to hack in, but their encryption was just too powerful. Emily went snooping for a hacking program on the dark web and met a fellow named Icarus who offered Patroclus, or "Skeleton Key", ... for a steep price. Caught between projects and trying to live under the GoTzon radar, she begged for a lower price within her range. Icarus agreed, for a favor in the future. Emily agreed and she spent all the money she had left on "Skeleton Key".   While working on yet another propaganda project from The Company, they asked her if she would come write a special program for a new thing they were "inventing". She refused, saying that was not her skill set, but she did know a guy, and sent them contact info for Icarus. She continued on her propagandist work without another thought on the request.   After narrowly avoiding the first two word wars, she realized she was not cut out for another november running alone. She joined up with the dinos in time for the April 2022 Tourney. Icarus called in his favor, and Emily felt obligated to let him into the SwampNet. Soon after the tourney, she joined the Raptor Squad along with the newest dino, the android Saph-a.   When everyone at GoT News got fired or ended up in court she started to smell something fishy she turn her shit around to check out what was really going down behind the scenes. She realize the Company was prepping lawyers for everyone else take the fall and noped tf out.   One of her first projects in the Raptor Squad was getting to know the other bodyguards of the realm at the Watching Dogs. Still worreid that noping out was not going to be enough, Emily used her to tap Temepst and Gala's phones via wifi. Once back at the swamp, she set her to back tracing the Compnay taps, trying to find their hacker who was using a VPN and IP hopper to bounce the signal all over the world. This was a slow process and Satruim wiped all the taps/bugs from the voider phones before she could find the Company hacker.   One of Emily's new dino friends and fellow member of the Raptor Squad Saph-A made a sapient trash bin she has come to call Trashy Jeeves.   Soon after the meeting at the Watching Dogs, she was able to provide the new Fluffy Alliance spy Moon-Moon with a laptop, cameras, and relays for spying on House Lapin lands at the Captain's request. She even set up a second set for Moon-Moon to spy on Chiroptera as well. Shortly thereafter, however, Moon-Moon reverted to full wild wolf and disappeared to the wilderness.   She was being a lazy asshole and not using all her tech available, but now after this blowup (when he doings with the Company gets revealed) she offers her full suite of skills and bugs and shit, not just the laptop hubbed spy camera systems.   Emily learns from Saph-A the The Company has a piece of what looks to be dino tech

Cover image: by jw432


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