
Nijiri Must Be Stormbringer
The Basquay Sea, a place rich with resources, trade, and conflict, is also a place riddled with storms. Some brew right over the sea and others begin out over the Great Ocean and blow in to smash against the Stormbreakers before raging over the rest of the Basquay Sea.   Prayers to Nijiri, the goddess of storms, are raised in homes, in chapels, in temples, and especially aboard ships. Offerings to appease her tempestuous nature fill more temples and hang above nearly every sailor's hammock.   A new trend began to call her Stormbringer when talking about her to avoid mentioning her name which might accidentally annoy her. It is an excellent name for such a goddess and the use of it has caught on throughout the region.   It all started when the missionaries, who keep reports on everything, noticed a stark rise in the more troublesome storms, those tainted with magic. These storms are rare and always start over the Great Ocean and have been a sign that Nijiri was particularly furious over... something.   Worry has grown within The Swampshoal Point Basilica as these storms have become more frequent and they suspect at least two have formed over the Basquay Sea. Why has Nijiri changed her ways? Who or what has angered her?
Who Else Could It Be?
Something dreadful stirs deep beneath the waves. Silent. Large. Those who live beneath the waves have only caught glimpses. And, from watery shadows, there are orbs holding a dim deep purple glow. Before even the fastest sea folk can swim in for a look, the orbs swiftly moved out of sight. This mysterious thing is a kraken who, during one of Nijiri's rare magical tempests, absorbed the magic. Over time he learned how to use and grow this power. Now he is ready to build an empire, and he has chosen the Basquay Sea as his domain. How long will it be before he is discovered?

Cover image: by jplenio


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Aug 11, 2024 20:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh no, secret magical kraken! D: That's not good.

Aug 12, 2024 18:48 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds