
by GDJ
Stormnotch is a Brahmaur town built in North Notch Bay on Sickle, the largest of The Stormbreakers which lie in the Basquay Sea region. The town rests on the western edge of a cove at the southern tip of North Notch Bay.   Its storm-resistant buildings, from backyard sheds to poultry coops, are built of stone dug out of the mines. Seawalls built from the same stone as the buildings are strategically placed to break storm surge waves, weakening their power.   Large public buildings have been built to house those who live in the flat lands of Sickle and rush to Stormnotch seeking shelter. Standing three stories high, they each contain a ground floor, a second floor, and a third floor.   There are no rooms but there is a hearth for each floor of the shelters. Long tables are kept stacked against the wills, each with a pair of matching benches.   At night, the tables and benches can be used as beds. In between storms, these buidlings often serve as quarters for ship crews wanting some shore time or as celebration halls for weddings and other such happenings.   There are currently two of these three-story public buildings that serve as markets. Just like the others, there are no rooms. There are no tables and benches, either, and each seller much provide their own booth for selling their wares.
During the great storms, these buildings are used once the other ones are filled with storm refugees. This has brought about the tradition of covering booths in a canvas tarp and tying it snuggly in place to keep out the curious, children and the occasional thief.   Stormnotch, despite being on one of the Stormbreaker islands that always take the brunt of the monstrous ocean-borne storms, proves its worth as a haven against the tempests by being on the lee-side which is the side opposite from where the storms come slashing in.   Smaller storms do assault Stormnotch when they hatch over the Basqyuay Sea but they lack the terrifying power of the ocean storms. The Brahmaur weather these smaller storms as easily as most folks endure a hard rain. Even the flat land inhabitants don't bother to seek shelter in Stormnotch against the.   Set in a cove with a harbor that can protect ships, Stormnotch has become a major port in the Basquay Sea and is regarded as second only to the city of Swampshoal Point.   Most other towns in the Stormbreakers are built on the high ground, often on cliffs safely above any raging waves. Their harbors often need repairs and dredging after a big storm. Some even need to be rebuilt!   There is one other well-protected town on Sickle but it is not a haven. Dusk's Keel is fiercely guarded against all intrusion and getting through the dangerous maze of breakers to its harbor is made even more difficult by defensive batteries of catapults.   This town is unfriendly and so opposite to Stormnotch that those who somehow find their way here are often shocked. Rumors whisper about the Brahmaur here being excessively militant, which is surprising as most Brahmaur are proud mercenaries.   If the rumors are true, what could this possibly mean?
by dexmac

Cover image: by Noupload


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Jul 22, 2024 17:53 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Stormnotch definitely sounds friendlier than Dusk's Keel. I like the idea of the storm shelters, and sometimes having to use the market buildings for shelter.

Jul 22, 2024 18:09 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds
Aug 21, 2024 03:02

It is always good to be prepared for any dangers with a nice shelter to wait them out.

May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
The Sagas world cover
Aug 21, 2024 03:07 by K.S. Bishoff

Yes ...

Come vist my worlds