Swampshoal Point Basilica

The Swampshoal Point Basilica was built on the stoutest bluff in the early days of the city, Swampshoal Point. It is the grandest temple in the entire Basquay Sea region.   Constructed by the All-Gods Temple as a bastion against the mightiest tempests the storm goddess Njiri has been known to send, the Basilica is always open to everyone when the weather takes a turn.   Though strongly built, its true purpose is to bring faith to the region. They will also add the faiths of newly discovered cultures thus expanding the reach of the All-Gods Temple which hopes to bring all the faithful together in harmonious worship.   Within the Basilica there is a grand sanctuary where the main, or first, gods of the All-Gods are worshiped. Around this great chamber are chapels for each of the "new" gods whose faithful have joined All-Gods.   There are even empty chapels ready to be filled with more new gods. It is to these places that those in need of shelter are first taken.   Clerics of all faiths within the Basilica tend to all no matter their personal faiths, as it is a shared duty to care for each other's faithful. This shared duty is the first and most
fundamental tenet of the All-Gods Temple. The clerics of the Basilica have the greatest number of missionaries, those who go out bringing faith to the faithless while also looking for new faiths, and their followers, to join the Temple.   Basquay Sea is a wild region with folks of all kinds coming and going on various ventures. It is perhaps the most diverse and the wildest as the competition for its resources is ever-growing.   Many settlements start as a colony from one of the many realms or as independent stations for one of the trading companies. According to the Basilica, this makes the region in dire need of missionaries.   To do this, missionaries work hard to keep themselves neutral. They will not pick a political, nor join one side or the other in conflicts.   Missionaries work hard to bring all sides in these matters to discuss a peaceful resolution. Only on rare occurrences where atrocities have been carried out, will they make a stand, sometimes against more than one side involved.   Because of this most folks appreciate their presence so much that it has become a tradition to treat them as Untouchable, meaning they are not to be harmed. The Basilica itself is considered such sacred ground to all that the one thing that will align bitter enemies is an attack upon it.   Missionaries have begun wearing black vests with upright colors that are studded with crystals shaped into the various holy symbols of all the gods in the All-gods Temple, leading to them being called, "folk of the studded cloth".

Cover image: by prettysleepy1


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Jul 22, 2024 12:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that it is both a shelter and place of worship, and that it welcomes everyone in the event of a large storm. I bet it is impressive to look at.

Jul 22, 2024 14:20 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds