Talisman of Faith

The All-Gods Temple, comprising the faith of several gods and with their pantheon of beliefs always growing, has decided on there being one talisman to represent all faiths. This is a heart-shaped pendant with a heart-shaped crystal centered on it. Each god is represented by a different color.   Such a choice did not happen easily. Every god has their own symbol and their clerics were determined that their god's symbol should be the one. In the end, they all agreed on the heart shape as none had claimed that shape as their own as the goddess of love used the rose rather than the heart.   The further argument that faith lives in the hearts of believers further cemented acceptance as this being the one for all. The filigree work for these talismans is done in three metals. Gold for the high clergy, silver for the lower clergy, and brass for the believers.
  BRASS TALISMAN: For true believers, this talisman will create a light in the color of the crystal. Relnu, the god of the Moon, has a black crystal, and those talismans create black light. All the lights, despite their colors, will illuminate the wandering dead. They will also create an aura around the undead even if their bodies still look very much alive.   SILVER TALISMAN: This talisman provides the same light as the Brass Talisman. In addition, touching this talisman to someone who is bleeding will seal their wounds. This will only work for a genuine cleric and not anyone who happens to pick it up.   GOLD TALISMAN: It works just like the Silver Talisman with an additional power of its own. The cleric can point to a friend or foe, giving either a Boon or a Bane. The Boon will grant them a great boost to whichever task they are doing, whether it's a craft or wielding a weapon. The Bane will do the opposite and make the task harder instead.
by Fetako

Cover image: by prettysleepy1


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