The Contract

A New Beginning
In the time before mortals a great and terrible happening occurred that changed the gods who survived forever. They were dreadfully weakened with no way to recover their powers as they had always done before but it the place of that power the world of Pangorio was forged anew and, for the first time, it now had a moon. The only blemish from the terrible happening was The Rift, a deep abyss carved into the land.   They no longer lived upon the world but on the moon they named Godsheim only wandering the world to tend to it now and again. Time passed and still they were weak and tired until Puliro, god of the Sun, and Relnu, god of the Moon, formed a new idea. They called it the cycle of life and an entirely new concept, souls. All life would have that spark that would pass back into the world upon their death, thus recycling their creation energy. Sentient life would be given souls that could learn and develop over a lifespan and when they died, their souls would return to whichever part of the moon their creator god resided.  
The Negotiations
For it to work, all gods had to agree to continue it forever. Not all the gods were willing to conform to this new way of creation. Many yearned for the return of the old days even though that had led to the terrible happening that left them in their predicament. To win them over, Puliro and Relnu came up with another stage of the cycle of life. Sapient life would have the ability to comprehend the existence of gods and be able to choose whom to believe in despite whichever god created them.   Others protested that there was life on Pangorio living according to the old ways and they should not be destroyed. Their creators were willing to fight over these creations they had exerted power to create. This led to the acceptance of these lives and a new stage. These beginning lives would be known as the primals. However, their progeny would come to be under the circle of life.  
The Contract
All gods on Godsheim had to sign the contract that would be forever stored deep in the between domain there called Purgatory. It was a scroll of gold that , once all the gods signed, was made impervious.   A scribe for each of the two surface domains on Godsheim copied the Contracts, making two books. One for the bright side of the moon called Heaven and one for the dark side of the moon called Hell.   One clause added to the Contract before signing was that an obelisk stating the terms of the contract would be placed at the site of each sapient creatures spawning point on the world of Pangorio. This has spurred some gods to look for loopholes.

Cover image: by mkweb2


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Aug 11, 2024 22:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am curious as to whether god has found any loopholes...   Really interesting worldbuilding here.

Aug 12, 2024 18:47 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds