
When the All-Gods Temple accepted the Numis and their faith in Nufthesy they also accepted Tongue-Wise, the language of sharing wisdom through proverbs.   It is a concept language rather than a proper one of specific sounds and lettering. Instead, it is a way of speaking that imparts wisdom in an everyday way by quoting a proverb whenever the speaker feels a moment needs it.

Oft-Used Proverbs

Bad coins always turn up
The clipping, or shaving off a tiny piece, of coins is a common practice. Clipped coins have come to be called "bad coins". And, with this practice so prevalant, bad coins also show up. This proverb takes this concept even further as the bad coins it refers to are often a disreputable person or unwanted event, and like bad coins, they keep returning or happening again.
Backward in coming forward
Backear refers to being shy or unwilling and coming forward refers to presenting oneself into view. This proverb is an observation on someone of something being shy or reluctant to do something. In Numis culture, this is seen as a sign of immaturity and can be taken as an insult in a fully grown Numis.
Fickle whispers
Fickle refers to something being insincere and whispers refers to shared knowledge. This proverb warns that someone may be spreading lies.
The bones have been tossed
The bones refer to a seer rolling out a collection of six-sided knuckle bones with a rune painted on each side and reading them to predict a future occurrence. In Numis tradition, once the bones have been tossed, the fate they reveal is sealed. This proverb refers to an irrevocable choice being made.
Worms even turn
Worm refers to both the humblest and the weakest, often at the same time. This proverb means that even the humblest and the weakest with retaliate if sufficiently provoked.
More claws less fingers
This refers to the Numis having claws rather than fingernails. This proverb notes someone uses their hands like paws more hands and means they are clumsy. It is often used as a warning that cold weather is coming. Numis are a cold-blooded people and chill weather can affect their dexterity if they fail to prepare for it.

Cover image: by mkweb2


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Aug 12, 2024 21:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is great. My favourite one is 'worms even turn'.

Aug 14, 2024 00:41 by K.S. Bishoff

thanx... funnily enough that is a real proverb from some olden times in history... I just gave it a bit of a Pangorio twist

Come vist my worlds
Aug 21, 2024 15:18 by Bob O'Brien

Nice work! I like the concept, and our own world is a great example of how such snippets of wisdom become part of common language. You could even go the "slang" aspect one better with this bu having the most common phrases shortened: "Bad coins", for example, is all that need be spoken to get the point across.

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Aug 21, 2024 15:42 by K.S. Bishoff

Oooo yea ... a slang for some of them does sound fun to add!

Come vist my worlds