
Funeral rites vary between all the peoples of Pangorio but there is still one thing they all share, the Wailing from screaming and loudly sobbing over the deceased to a single mournful voice singing a dirge for the departed.   Whichever way the wailing is done, it is for the living to express their grief while giving the departed the last bit of help they can: the lifting of the soul to the Bridge In The Clouds so
they can journey to Godsheim and their judgment. Folks will often go to great lengths to ensure their lost loved ones are properly mourned and wailed over. Rest In Peace is the best folks can hope for their lost loved ones.   However, not all those who die are given a wailing, often due to the dire circumstances of their death. For instance, those whose bodies were never found or able to be recovered. Vigils are held in the hopes that the departed will still hear their wailing so they do not linger to haunt the living.   When it comes to the dead, however, they are not always eager to get to Godsheim to face their Judgement. These become ghosts or wandering dead haunting their final resting place or a place most dear to them.   Others become so invested with remaining in the living world that they refuse to leave their bodies and rise up again as the undead. It is these undead that alarms the living the most.   The living tend to fear the wandering dead and are terrified of the undead so much so that every folk has their own traditions for finding them and giving them the wailing to send them to the Bridge In The Clouds.   What these traditions are, who carries them out, and how they manage to bring wails to the wandering dead and undead is something to be discovered in the studies written about each of these folks.

Cover image: by deMysticWay


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Jul 27, 2024 14:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great idea for a tradition. I like that people give wailings to the undead.

Jul 27, 2024 18:26 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds
Aug 20, 2024 20:13 by Deleyna Marr

Lots of story potential for wandering undead!

Aug 21, 2024 00:33 by K.S. Bishoff

thanx for noticing!

Come vist my worlds