War Crab

Siege Crab
Deep under the waves, there are realms just as there are on land. And, like land folk, there is tension, strife, and war. The implements of war are very different but carry out the same purposes.   Beasts also serve as war engines and one of them is the seige crab. This robust crab has the strongest shell of all crab kinds as it can break its way through walls and barriers.   Even its legs are sturdily armored. Its two great pincers are shaped more like clubs and used to batter prey or enemies, softening them up for its more delicate thumb claspers to tear off bite-sized pieces.   At six feet (183 cm) across and barely 3 feet (91 cm) tall, it is very intimidating. Breaking its body shell is impossible for anything its size or smaller and even larger ocean predators find it a challenge.   Killing one in combat requires getting in close enough to drive a trident deep into its mouth.
Giant Blue Crab
The blue crab is a very common crab that prefers deep water until it is time to molt. Once a year, they migrate up and over the reefs to the beaches or protected shallows at the top of a reef to molt out of their old shells and into new ones. Once these new shells harden, they trudge back down into the comforts of the depths.   One type of blue crab does not do this. It is called the giant blue crab. This massive beast is so large that fishfolk have been known to build their homes on its back as it wanders wherever it will. Fortunately, these crabs follow the same path, forming a strange circle that takes them a full year to travel.   Over time, some fish folk have discovered a way to influence a giant blue crab to change course. These are the crab whisperers and it is they who drive these massive crabs carrying armies to war. Giant blue crabs attack only to eat and a siege crab can make a tasty but tough meal so they may or not bother with killing them.

Cover image: by Peter_Middleton


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Aug 7, 2024 17:15 by Adam Tingley