
Magic can be used as potently as the wielder comprehends its secrets and potential. Added to death that provides eternal unlife, this is the epitome of power. ~ Zutta to her followers.
Seven thousand years ago, Zutta was born a Hrokentorm. They were the greatest of people standing nearly twice as tall as the tallest folk. Every Hrokentorm born was taught to be a mage. Those who failed to learn were considered a blight upon their kind and culled. Zutta had not only learned but she had learned well.   She learned so well that she was the first in her family to reach Fourth Blood granting her a minor cloud estate. This rank granted her access to libraries which were available only to those of of the four blood ranks. It is here she spent copious amounts of time and effort not only to learn but also to copy all she could onto scrolls.   Zutta met other studious Hrokentorm in the libraries and befriended them. As her incredible intellect and ability to comprehend even the most intricate of magical theories became known, respect for her grew and grew. Hrokentorm politics, however, kept her from attaining a higher blood rank so she always remained a Fourth Blood.   Her knowledge and magical prowess, however, brought her higher-ranking friends and followers. In fact, there were so many that she held court to some of the greatest magi in all the empire. These gatherings were always under the guise of lavish parties she could afford as she demanded a price for her magical advice and assistance.   Over time she began to develop a new kind of magic, necromancy. She shared this only with her most trusted friends after they swore a magical oath of loyalty. Over time others came to her to learn. She developed the power to create mummies, which she only shared and taught to those who had sworn magical oaths to her. For herself, she found the way to eternal undeath without the need for the binding of an oath. She became a lich.   Their necromancy grew and so did the number of her followers. They called themselves the L'Ahnz. Interestingly enough, many of them came from the blooded, those Hrokentorm who were never given a blood rank. With their oaths and necromantic powers, they finally began to attain influence. Zutta hid her undead nature so well that none knew. And, as her followers grew in numbers, their faith, and their oaths, began to strengthen her to epic proportions. She found her limitations were expanding far beyond those of mortals and it was then she realized she had become a god.
As gods went she was still very new and weak. Too weak to make a demand for admittance or announce a claim for godhood. But more and more came to her, eager to be under her sway. What a low cost! Give her their magical oath of loyalty and, when they die, their bodies would be prepared in their linens and they would rise again as undead, able to continue their works.   Zutta allowed them to pursue their goals even as mummies. She even helped each of them prepare a proper sanctum and followers of their own to tend to them and their needs. What none of them knew was that she had a plan.   Just as she had diligently studied and practiced her mortal magic, she turned all her efforts to her new godly ones... and discovered Dark Divination. With it, she was able to see the grim fate awaiting all her kind, a fate she intended to avoid. Her plan called for her to have legions at her command once it was time to rise, legions who would be safely interred in their sanctums and crypts.   And this was the true purpose of the L'Ahnz, to be happily entombed working on their desires until the day she would rise up as a god. She began making books on necromancy for those in the far far future to study and learn from... including how to awaken their goddess.   Then, one fine day, it happened. The Blood Ranks finally discovered her little empire within the great Hrokentorm Empire and they came for her. Yet unaware of the powers of a lich let alone one that had not only become a goddess but was not going to bother to fight them. Instead, she invoked all those magical oaths that sent her followers to their sanctums to rest and await her call. Then, she herself retreated to her own sanctum, in the cellars of her cloud estate. Well, after she set her estate to avoid all others and drift on the winds within any storm it encountered. Thus she will never be found until the time is right.

Cover image: by barabasi_istvan


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Aug 7, 2024 20:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the backstory, really fascinating path to godhood.

Aug 8, 2024 09:26 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds