S119 Recap: The Siege of Shasta: Part 5 | Ep.62: Wurm Roasting On An Open Fire
General Summary
Also known as the one where we go “Hey remember that item that's been sitting in our inventory for forever?” > Twice. > Which isn't a lot. > But it's funny that it happened twice. > #TwoNickles > So anyways we kick it off with some Corayas & Kirin getting the fuck outta dodge via thunderstep while also slinging some #StankySmog at the wurm through everyone's favourite wonderous writing quill > #AdvocateChaosAlways #OptimalResourceManagement > Serenas bows some arrows while Romad holds the tolling of a bell > Nova? They're fumbling in their pouch for something right now so we'll come back to them I guess > #TheyDon'tSeemSuperConfidentInTheirPlan > The Wurm meanwhile is giving everybody a taste of #TheRumblies > #R.I.P.TheLocalArchitecture > OKAY! Time for the reinforcements!! Agapea busts out the barri— BUT WAIT WHAT'S THIS‽‽ IT'S NOVA?! AND THEY'VE GOT THE TREE FEATHER TOKEN FROM SESSION 40!!! A 60 FOOT DIAMETER 5 FOOT TALL TREE HAS LAUNCHED THE WURM (& Agapea) TWENTY FEET INTO THE AIR!!!!!!!!!! > #AndTheCrowdGoesWILD!!!!! #AHHHHHH > #79SessionsAgo #RomadGoodCritHisTreeSaveBtw #CritCount1 > This also launched a fuck ton of rubble into the air however so we will need you all to make more dex saves when you're done casting feather fall on Agapea because I was a fool who didn't think to cast #SkystrikeMyBelovedDx > #IsatiGoodCritSave #CritCount2 > #EldritchStarblasterX2 > ROUND 2 GO! > Alright here's where shit starts really getting away from me the DM > Kirin's sneak attack frightens the bitch with her afraid of the dark feature because the wurm technically lacks darkvision (which doesn't make a lot of sense but at least we can just say it's something to do with the blessing of Erebus) > #MakesMoreSenseHereThanOtherSettingsLmao > Corayas casts scorching ray. Only one hits the wurm but the other two light the tree on fire. This will be very important in a second. > #TheDmWillRememberThis > Also #SurgeForTheSurgeGods because it's #AnimeGirlDisneyPrincessCorayasHours again as (still blue (#DabaDeeDabaDye)) Corayas is surounded with illusory butterflies & flower petals as he once was all those months ago in session 12 > #107SessionsAgo > It is at this point that Serenas pulls out the non magical trick arrows he has had LITERALLY SINCE SESSION SEVEN > #112SessionsAgo #YesIt'sBeenThatLong #TechnicallyOnlyLearnedAboutThemInSessionNineTho #110SessionsAgo > The first one explodes into what would be sneezing powder. Literally. It explodes. The fine particle dust rapidly goes up in flames like a puff of flour over a gas stove. Nice. Oh Sick! Second shot has the #BlessingOfTheWarGod! > #CritCount3 > “So what's this one do?” “Funnily enough it creates a cloud of foul smelling gas much like the stinking cloud spell!” “Wait but if it's nonmagical does that mean it's methane based?” “…” So anyways that one explodes too. > #SerenasMakeBoomBoom > Romad Says #BurnWurmyBurn! > we take a brief #WierdSoupBreak to acknowledge that we spent a few minutes going over what the wurm was about to do on their turn before realizing it was Nova's go first & immediately retconning all of that. > Flame blade? Flame blade. Nat20? Nat20. > #CritCount4 #GoodCrits4 #FinalCritCount #AlsoFlamesOfRheaGetsActivated > Nova does then get nommed to unconsciousness and swallowed. That is in fact what happened next unfortunately. But luckily the #FlamesOfRhea are #TooSpicy for our wurmy friend here who only three hit points left at the end of this whole fiasco lmao > #LmaoGoodFightGang > WAIT FUCK WE GOTTA GET NOVA OUT OF THEIR STAT HOLY SHIT!! > #JaguarToTheRescue > Kirin dashes inside, grabs nova, and then inverts reality with a #InverseStep so now they're the opposite of inside the wurm! > #InverseInsideTheWurm #NoDeadNovasPlz > Some Panic & Healing later we return to the bunkhouse where Horse-Faelyn has knocked one of the lions unconscious. Oh yeah did we mention that we sent the pride of wild lions that are in no way magically under our control to help protect the #GooBaby? > #WeDidThat > So anyways we take a two hour short rest, morale is at an all time low for the party ngl— BUT WAIT WHAT'S THIS‽‽ IT'S AGAPEA?! AND SHE'S GOT THE INSPIRING LEADER FEAT!!! EVERYBODY IN THE PARTY GETS 15 TEMPORARY HIT POINTS!!!!!!!!!! > #AndTheCrowdGoesWILD!!!!! #AHHHHHH > Okay but actually tho ppl were pretty concerned about how long they've gotta hold out still (especially Kirin) but Agapea assures them of her feeling that the only thing left is whatever Aphrodite's got in store for Isati! > #ThisIsNotAsComfortingAsSheThinksItIs #WeStillLoveHerTho > ALRIGHT #That'sAllFolks!!! #SeeY'allNextWeek
S119 Crit Count: Romad nat20 dex save tree dodge, Isati Nat20 dex save rubble dodge, Serenas nat20 attack, nova nat20 attack