S126 Recap: Roasting Marshmallows | Ep.69
General Summary
Insert SallesDreamcast.bit > #Songbows check back in with dreamality and continue their trend of being a little bit of a menace to customer service workers by having a Time™ and also explaining to the concerned restaurant employee what's happened. This employee totally knows what a taco is because Serenas totally didn't dream this taco place into existence over top another restaurant. Totally. > #WeirdSoupSandwich > Kirin is doing paperwork and that paperwork contains hints to the reality of this dream city but we say those in #Whispers so no spoilers! > #BeansAreSpilledLaterAnywaysButShush! > Aand we're walking, aaand we're walkingggg, and we'RE GETTING ATTACKED BY A GITHYANKI KNIGHT!!! > #BuildUpWho? #DreamLogic > Wow this bitch sure is falling slow tho. Literally we had time to telekinetically rip away his weapon, while Serenas and Kirin peppered him full of arrows. Also hi Kirin! When'd you get here? > #WeThoughtYouWereDeadDoingPaperwork > So anyways this bitch gets fuckin GOT, but manages to misty step over to his sword just in time for Serenas to literally explode his head > #MyGodGordon! #PartyKinKillCount+1 #NovaKinKills3 #SerenasKinKills1 #TotalKinKillCount4 #TheFirDarrigsDon'tCount #NeitherDoesTheGiantThatKorKilled > Also all of those kills involved leaving headless corpses behind lmao > Anyways #Gwyfzilla is here again so it's time to run lol > #YouKnowItIsWithSpaghetti > Also we're literally at Max Chaos Value now so shit is getting real fucky (space is compressing and expanding randomly, everyones got migraines, the world is falling apart, etc.) And Then— And FUCking ThEN— Serenas rolls 666!!!! > #Don'tWorryAboutTheHow #NumberOfTheBeast #Eeeeeeevil!!!! > So anywickedry, that of course means the twin brother of the githyanki knight the party just killed appears riding an adult red dragon swearing vengeance Inigo Montoya style. Kirin is too lucid to understand the gith language. > #PrepareToDie. > Serenas (Upset at having to be put down by his fiance who previously had been carrying him while running from #Gwyfzilla): “Yeah nah, we gonna bounce” > #FuckThisShitI'mOut #ArrowOfTurbulence > “So anyways I started #TeamRocketSeniorCitizensBlastingOffAgain!!!!” > Ngl I'm now heavily considering renaming Kirin, Romad, & Serenas's team name to #TeamRocket xD > Back to it tho this arrow was just fired as far as a longbow could send it which is usually fuckin 600 feet but currently #SpaceIssaWeirdSandwich so it's 300 feet but also this arrow also makes you fuckin ZOOM so that would've been the equivalent of 150 feet of fall damage lmao > #R.I.P.InPiecesMyDudes > Kirin (Up To Her Usual Nonsense): “SIKE!! Lucid Dreaming Says No.” > #HalfThatAgain #7d6FallDamage > So anyways that dragon is still in #HotPursuit but the #WeirdSandwhich also applies to the range of it's fire breath which falls just short of our heroes. Seranas —in full alignment with the vibes of their current situation— pulls out a marshmallow & stick to roast a smore for his beloved! > #Immaculate #Stunning #EverythingI'veEverWantedOutOfThisMiniArc > We do some more #RooftopRunning, trade blows with the dragon, and finally Kirin completes her #CircleOfSilliness when she inverts how directions around the dragon! Like… Yeah babe, damn! > #FightGodFuckShitUp #RelyingOnShadowcatShitWhileDreamingIsSoooSafe > Oh hi Scrib! > Scribius ellucidates Kirin to full Lucidity and the other two up a little > #WakeUpBitchWe'reGoingShopping > Oh also this is a Metisean War era city from the Fernic Empire that was destroyed by a mysterious calamity 5733 years before The Rebalancing and y'all are currently experiencing the final day of this city, the memory of which echoes on loop through the expanse of Hypnos ^u^ > #CritCount6 #GoodCrits6 #FinalCritCount > #That'sAllFolks
S126 Crit Count: Romad Nat20 Wisdom Save, Romad Nat20 telkinesis, Romad Nat20 INT Save, Serenas Nat20 Intimidation, Kirin Nat20 Wisdom Save, Serenas Nat20 Chaos Save
S126 Crit Count: Romad Nat20 Wisdom Save, Romad Nat20 telkinesis, Romad Nat20 INT Save, Serenas Nat20 Intimidation, Kirin Nat20 Wisdom Save, Serenas Nat20 Chaos Save