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S135 Recap: ♪Have You Checked Your Butthole?♪ | Ep.78: Ska Dee Dum

General Summary

Isati, Scribius, & Talos stay behind to have secret talks of secrecy while the rest of the group splits off to decompress. > KeepYourSecretsThen.frodo > Romad decides #RetailTherapy is the play so he, Serenas, Nova, & Corayas head off in search of magic stores while Corayas, Kirin, & Red–Oak make their way back to the party lodgings. > #ThisMathTotallyAddsUp #NoFunnyBusinessHere > There is however #FunnyBusiness to be found at Wimbly's Wacko Wizardries! Wimbly is a wombat :D > Ok anyways Romad went looking for magic items but this is actually a nerd store so instead he lands on buying a fancy spellbook for the non-wizard to use as a regular ass notebook lol. > #WizardHateIsAlwaysJustified > Meanwhile Serenas adeptly dodges a book to the head and wouldn't you know it, it's written by Faelyn lmao > #Faelyn'sRubeGoldbergMachineBeEverTurning > Serenas then helps the non-rianan normal ass wild mouse that knocked the book off the shelf and doesn't get bit because he #GoodCrits his #AminalHambling check lol > #CritCount1 > Also the foreword in this book which was published 20 years ago was addressed to Serenas in this specific moment in time and it's got some interesting things to say! Like for example, the Corayas that's with—SMASH CUT— ♪“Have you checked your butthole?”♪ Skee–da Badum BAA!! > #OopsTooFar #AlsoIThinkYouMean♪SkaDeeDum♪ #ThankYouVeryMUCH > Rewind.gif > Aandddd we're walkingggg~ and we're walkingggg~ and oh would you look at that we're here just in time for Cavidian to quip her way into the conversation. What conversation? Oh you know just normal stuff. Definitely nothing to do with the emotional state of Kirin's moms. > #DefinitelyNot > Cavidian (In RSL while holding a different conversation out loud): “#Don'tBeSuspicious but your friend is a—SMASH CUT— Covakirin Aecasi right now is actually a fir darrig in disguise and as you (Serenas Admetus Keita Proudthorn) are reading this, that fir darrig is currently being ensnaringly struck and interrogated under zone of truth! Upon being asked where the real one is (which is to say where the one the fir darrig was impersonating is) the fir darrig shall reply in the melodic rebuttle ♪“Have you checked your butthole?”♪ Skee–da Badum BAA!! > #SkaDee~Dum > Kirin (staring into the camera like she's on the office): “I really don't know why I expected this to go any differently…” > #YeahThatOne'sOnYou > Also the fir darrig nat1'd it's CHA save and Kirin merc'd the bitch with a #BlessingOfTheWarGod so > #CritCount3 > Anywombats, Kirin rushes off back to Scribius to borrow their ability to cast sending, to which Corayas receives and responds > “Hi Kirin! I'm safe and with Nova, Romad, & Serenas! I wasn't in your butthole, don't worry.” > Kirin is equal parts relieved and confused by how Corayas seemed to know the question asked by the fir darrig but just accepts it and moves on lmao > #AdultLifeIsAlreadySoFuckingWeird > Romad also investigates the Corayas with them upon Serenas reading the message from Faelyn aloud and #GoodCrit determines this to be the real one > #HadToBeSure #CritCount4 #GoodCrits3 #BadCrits1 > Alright that's all folks, it was a chill sesh to dip our toes back in, so the gang has reconvened and will most likely be continuing their travels when next we convene!
S135 Crit Count: Serenas Nat20 Animal Handling, fir darrig Nat 1 Charisma save, nat20 attack roll from kirin, romad nat 20 investigation

Cover image: Moonlit Midnight by Jadelaw413


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