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S143 Recap: Lunch/Rush | Ep86

General Summary

Let's take a #DecompressionLunch > Lin: “But what if I was also there? :3” > #GodsDamnitLin!! #DaysSinceLastMention=0 > Romad is very stabby until Isati asks him to not > Romad: #GrumpilyAgrees > So anywunch we break down the whole Aravin encounter ( she's a #PoorLittleMeowMeow now!), finish up lunch, and decide on the tried & true #AlwaysSplitTheParty > Except you guys split up into teams of three that don't actually have team names so fuck you for that lmao > /SMASH CUT/ > OH FUCK A MOOSE!!! > #OopsTooFar #TakeItBackNowY'all > Anywobbly, Kirin, Isati, & Nova stick around the campus for a little bit with Isati returning to the Aecasi estate earlier than the other two to spend time with Diva. (Kirin does paperwork to calm down and get paid while Nova just vibes and keeps her company) > #TheNerdAboveAllOtherNerds > Meanwhile Serenas, Romad, & Corayas (& Scribius!) decide to work through their stress via the other extreme of the spectrum— High Speed Adrenaline Rush. > #SkateOrDieMyGuys > Romad plays spotter amidst getting some flight practice in (he only gets launched by an updraft a little bit~ #Don'tWorryAboutIt) while #TeamFunLessons on the other hand decides bombing down switchbacks on an otherwise sheer cliff face is the way to go > #AdrenalineJunkieNerds #ThisTestIsWorth60%OfYourFinalGradeInFun > OH FUCK A MOOSE!!! NO WAIT!! THREE MOOSE!!! > #NobodyExpectsTheTri-MooseInquistion! > BUT WAIT WHAT'S THIS‽‽ IT'S SERENAS?! AND HE'S GOT A #GOODCRIT MOOSEDUCK!!! AND CORAYAS HAS TIDES OF CHAOS!!!!!!!!!! > #♪AndZendayaIsMeechee!!♪ #CritCount1 > Meese successfully ducked, Serenas contemplates the political ramifications of his actions and resolves to apologize to his parents when he gets back to Kirin's place. But first let's go get some hot cocoa! > #WeDoThat > Ok now we can actually fast forward to when everyone's back at Kirin's house! > #StressReliefRound3 #FIGHT!! > Kickin it off with a Nat20 initiative from kirin (#CritCount2) who –mistakingly believing this to be a light spar– abstains from going full dread ambusher on her opponent and instead prepares more defensive measures > #QuiteSportingOlChap > Romad on the other hand rages with soul rending might and goes his full two–handed force with Storge at Kirin ☺> #WhatHoMyGoodBitch! > Kirin realizes the ante's been upped and defaults to stall tactics and even nyoinking Storge. Unfortunately for her, #AphroditeSaysNo and she #BadCrits both chucking Storge away and her follow up shot > #Press[G]ToThrowGrenade #CritCount4 > Aphrodite (handing Storge back to Romad via rose vines): “Here you go sweetie! Try not to lose this next time ^u^” > Romad retaliates of course before Kirin pops a darkness bubble #BadGoodCrits her stealth check (#ThankYouGloamveil, #CritCount5), a few more blows exchanged before Romad goes for a final grapple but can't keep hold of her due to some #GoodCrit acrobatics on Kirin's end > #CritCount6, #GoodCrits4, BadCrits2, #FinalCritCount > After this they call it a draw as the two have sufficiently depleted their hit points and other such resources and likewise #That'sAllFolks for this recap!
S143 Crit Count: Serenas Nat20 Moose Duck, Kirin Nat20 Initiative, Kirin Nat1 ×2 ranged attacks, Kirin Nat20 Stealth, Kirin Nat20 Grapple evade

Cover image: Moonlit Midnight by Jadelaw413


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