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S61 Recap: The Corruption of Scribius W. Quill

General Summary

Look. I know this took until right before after the session. I Know! I know I started writing it literally 1½ hours before the session. BUT! You all corrupted Poor Sweet Precious Scribius so who's really in the wrong here? > #Excuses #PoorSweetPreciousScribius #ThatOneIsDefinitelyLessThan32Characters! #You'reWelcome > Ok but no really we start off this session back in the library with the #StudyBuddies reading up on demigods and the like >(Spoilers! Most demigods get the short end of the stick; if not in the beginning, than in the end. This is the only consistent trait of being a demigod.) > Nova attunes to Scrib temporarily while making sure not to look directly at statues. Thus demonstrating that Nova has either learned to look before they leap or has acquired a new trauma in the form of looking at statues. > #ProbablyTheLatterNGL #TheBurden™> Also since Nova is attuned to Scribius, Scrib has now shared thought space with both Corayas and Nova while said duo were crushing on the other and were in very close proximity > #ThisWillBeImportantLater #UnintentionalConsequences > Back to our #LoverBoys, Romad decides early birthday gifts weren't enough and sets out to find a how to guide in flirting. > “…” > “Okay.” > The songbows are waylaid by a “storm of a halfling” women who drags them over to her little love shack stall by sheer force of personality and immediately starts selling them on aphrodisiacs, candles, and massage oils. With little effort she is even able to produce a nigh encyclopedic chronical on the art of flirtation titled the “Tome of Seduction” > “Now you didn't hear this from me darlings but this tome was stolen from an ancient library of magical books! It's the only one of its' kind on the market darlings and just for you, 69 50 drachma!” > #WhatASteal! > Said book of unforseen consequences is purchased alongside some other merchandise and the two leave the unnamed halfling merchant with the advice that Lord Proudthorn would be an easy target for big sales > #SellingOutYourDadToStrangers > Ok strap yourselves in cause this where shit starts popping off > #StudyBuddies leave the library in search of the big ass skatepark they saw from the tower at breakfast that morning which is, y'know, the place being set up for the Sallesian equivalent of the X-Games > #NoContextNoCare > Corayas, wanting to show off his sick skateboarding skills to Nova. And boy howdy does he. > So first things first, Corayas rolls a not good check but pops an Ório to break through his limits, #TidesOfChaos, and proceeds to roll a natural 20 which in turn triggers the cursed wheels of speed, and by rolling high on said magic skateboard gear Corayas expends a spell slot, and because he just used tides of chaos that means he rolls a #WildMagicSurge. You keeping up so far? Ok so now get ready for this! That wild magic surge was the last one Scribius needed to awaken! Scrib is even fucking cooler now! He puts fucking WINGS on Corayas!! THEY CAN FLY INDEPENDANTLY NOW!!! > #CritCount1 #ThatShitWasWild #ButWaitThere'sMore > Because Corayas went sky high again the other party members about the city see this and the Songbows make their way parkward to deliver the tome. > Meanwhile Nova & Corayas are just hyped up about what just happened and this vibe is keeping all the many onlookers at bay until the Lover Boys arrive with The Tome > #HereComesTheMore > Nova is given the book and promptly blue screens > #Nova.exeHasStoppedWorking #ThereWasAWisdomSaveInvolved > When Nova returns to consciousness, they hand off the book to Corayas who without missing a beat asks Scribius to read it. Scribius. The magia eating chaos quill. The Tome. A magical book. Scribius. The magic item that just awakened and is currently still in a state of flux after. The Tome. A treatise on the arts of seduction. Scribius. Corrupted. > WhenWillYouLearnThatYourActionsHaveCONSEQUENCES.vine > This breaks me the DM for a notable amount of time. > So much and yet so little happens after this. Corayas casts fly on Serenas, Nova scares the ever loving hell out of the crowd with a 33 Intimidation (Nat20 +(#CritCount2 #FinalCritCount), and Kirin is taunted with the stuffed jaguar from last session but caught off guard by the whole Scribius situation and doesn't get her turn with being a little shit. > And then We Go For Tacos. #TheEnd.

Cover image: Moonlit Midnight by Jadelaw413


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