S68 Recap: Dinner With The Gras | Ep.11: Sir, This Is An Applebees
General Summary
#JUMPCUT!!! > Dinner Time Y'all! > Glitch: “So what's the legal drinking age?” > We then spend a nyoink of time elaborating on the complexity of the answer to that question and assuring everybody that Gwyf will be prevented. > #IsatiOnTheJob > Serenas: “Can we get four bottles of your finest elven wine?” | Server: “Sir, this is Apple & Bee's, we don't have that here.” > #TitleDrop #TheyJustRun&GetItIGuess > Romad: “Can I get drunk yet?” > DM: “So the wine you ordered isn't here yet, but if you asked there's definitely wine at this table” > #DionyseanCult #HighclassFratBoys > Also meanwhile Nova is not having a good time but is too stealthy for Corayas to notice so Kirin has to wingkin real quick > #WildMagicGotMeActingUnwise #Kirin2ndBestWingkin2K18 #ScribThumbsUp > Corayas then spooks the shit out of Nova who was not expecting to be followed out > #JesusChristIsNotCanon #JumpyTiefling > Nova: uh anyways, I'm just really not good with parties but if you are you can go back,” | Corayas (With Zero Hesitation): “But you're not there?” > #NovaExeHasStoppedWorking #FlusteredIRL #TeamOppositesAttract > also Scribius shows the benefits of their corruption by monitoring Nova's #GayOverload and advising Corayas accordingly > #ScribiusBestWingkin2K18 > Anyways it's late night library time! > #TeamStudyBuddies > Scribius once they've gotten their two charges settled in then decides to make their way back to the party because they're very interested in some of the things they saw happening there and really want to learn what's up with that > #BelovedSinammonRoll #BabyGay'sFirstNightOut > Anyways back at Apple & Bee's, Kirin and Diva are gossiping while Romad eavesdrops > #HotGirlShit(ButLike,InTheClassicalSense) > Diva: “ohhhh?? Who's your ex? Does she get to Melkial much? She? They? Would I know her?!” > #DramaAddict > Kirin (Barely holding back Vanity's unrestrained glee): “You might. She gets around quite a lot actually, have you heard of or met an Aravin Takrena?” Diva (ecstatic at the juiciness of it all): “YOU DATED THAT HEINOUS BITCH OF AN ALBATROSS‽‽‽" > #CertifiedIconicQuotesThatAren'tActualQuotesButTheySoundFunnierThisWay #HeinousBitchOfAnAlbatross #DivaIsBae > Anyways so apparently Diva caught Aravin in a particularly ungraceful landing and the heinous bitch in question tried to threaten her about it lmao > Also Serenas and Romad make nature checks for info on Albatross which unsurpisingly results in Serenas getting a Nat20 because of course he would. > Anyways Diva then starts grilling Kirin with compliments about her dating history before reminding everybody that nobody in this city has or will forget about them summoning Aphrodite. > #BitchesBeThinking #WeDidThat > We continue to gossip and shoot the shit with Diva until we decide it's time to get Kirin to #LetLOOSE > “MARDDIIIIII!! Let's Hook! This! Bitch! Up!!” > #KirinFallsToPeerPressure > Kirin is offered a tiny tester amount to start while Diva goes dancing before the rave gets too rowdy even for her > #MaroossacreThrowsTheMeanestElbows > The #ArcherTrio shoot the shit with hypotheticals about confronting Aravin as the #Songbows watch Kirin tail start to twitch > and her eyes start dialate > And yeah no, this woman is high as fuck. > #Lightweight #ThereAreReasonsForThis > Also Kirin name drops Caspadin but everyone is too drunk to notice or comment on it and none of you players will metagame on this before that lore gets dropped because this was totally posted during the week of November 22nd and we definitely don't already know what happened in Kirin's past. > #Totally #WeirdSoup #WibblyWobblyTimeyWimey > Also > LOH VAS GRAH!! > #KnifeKaraoke #AncientBardicTraditions > Because apparently Scribius has returned with a conga line of new people > Also apparently a bunch of the wait staff and even the management got pulled into the party at some point so the punks just start tipping the ever loving hell out of the distressed servers. > The goblin woman engaging in knife karaoke is just kicking ass and taking names with her performance btw > And if I was from the future (Which I'm Not!,) I would think it's a shame she couldn't keep that momentum for her next mousamachia match. > #NotFromTheFuture #TotallyHypothetical > Anyways that duel ends, everybody gets kicked the fuck out, and Kirin -even high as Hypnos- is still mom friending and making sure nobody leaves anything behind > #KirinGetsTheSuperZoomies > Romad drunkenly and critically fails to harmonize to his fiance's singing > But that's ok because the conga line has stopped because the fucking tegokka leaders have walked up the wall and Kirin, in all her #Zoomies glory, dashes in pursuit with her claws while singing “The Gaelee Song” at the top of her lungs which is then picked up by the rest of the crowd > #TrechellianRhapsody > An illusion of a not quite accurate Gaelee is made in the sky above > #EhhCloseEnough > Despite not startiing big, the party has gotten literally so big that Corayas and Nova are just watching from the library like “What the fuck is going on over there?” > Dionysean Shit. Dionysean shit is what's happening. > #> Also Knick-Knack is here! > #KirinAffectionSpotted! #FuckItKnick-KnackHasHugProficiency > Other highlights spotted at this party include: The hottest fucking halfling gnomish woman yall've ever seen, a fir darrig, an all black jaguar (#NotRianan), a massive Mardi (“I drank a potion of get BIG! And Then! I cast a spell of get BIG!! Because this is a BIG PARTY! AND I'M BIG PARTY MARDI!”(#Stage10Drunk #MardiSkippedSomeSteps&DivaIsDONE)) > also Georgi! You remember Georgi right? He gave you that really good coffee! > Serenas (just as drunk as the last time he saw Georgi): “Georgi!! Do you have more of that coffee!! > #HighSocietyHighFunctioningDrunk #”HEY-I-KNOW-THIS-GUY!!!” > Romad then extricates Scribius from an adult zone and he the rest of the crew + Diva say their #IrishGoodbyes and go to pick up the #StuddyBuddies from the library (except for Serenas who goes back to the villa) > #TheParty'sAllPartiedOut > Anyways, See Y'all Next Week In A Few Seconds!
S68 Crit Count: Serenas Nat20 Nature, Nat20 Performance NPC (Kimber), Nat1 Performance Romad, Serenas Nat20 perception (it's also worth noting that Serenas lost three whole nat20s to being drunk), #CritCount4 #FinalCritCount