S89 Recap: Memento Mori | Ep. 32: We're Not Stealing From The Gods!!
General Summary
#TeamRogue&Regretti decide to dip out the back door while the others keep the crowds occupied > #MageHandHoldingForTheSociallyDistanced > When it comes to distracting the crowd, Corayas is still a lil shook up (& has 3 very offputting dimcats around him still lmao) but luckily Nova & Serenas are both very persuasive (#CritCount2 #GoodCrits2) > “You rolled a nat20, so it works. You just happen to meet people who, when they ask public figures invasive personal questions and get told it's private; just accept that!” > #WildHowThatWorks #FantasyWorldFunnyBizness > The rogues stealth away like the asocial emos they are lmao. Also Glynran is there now > #OhHiUncle > Serenas gets a sending from Pazuka and by the gods did I miss doing that voice > #ZonaRosaAccentMyBeloved > The punks also attend the award ceremony with some major images filling in for those who dipped already because the tournament organizers are used to dramatic contestants storming off after losing lol. > #BardsBeLike > anyways, back at the estate we all are angsty, writing letters, and having cuddle puddles. Romad asks his parents what death looks like for a changeling, Kirin tells the party what death looked like for a 16y/o direwolf, y'know, the yoush > #WritingOutTheShortenedFormOf”Usual”IsWack #TraumaticBackstory #KirinTrollTrauma2k08 > Also y'all bitches be crittin as always because when asked to make an arcana check about labytinth info and both Nova & Serenas #GoodCrit while Isati #BadCrits > #CritCount5 #GoodCrits4 #BadCrits1 > Nova decides it's okay to kick the dimcats as long they aren't in the room to see it. > #Scrodinger'sDimcat > Kirin then thinks on her other old partner and realizes some fucky bullshit on her own #GoodCrit arcana of the night (serenas rolled a nat19 btw in case you thought he was any less nonsense knowledgable on the arcane) > #TeamRangerKnowhow #CritCount6 #GoodCrits4 #BadCrits2 #FinalCritCount > Looks at the two ex-girlfriend rangers who both made deals with archfey after the breakup: “Yeah they grew up together.” > #ThereAreManyWorseArchfeyToChooseThanTheShadowCatLol > Romad: “So how would one go about becoming immortal?” / (Nova Info Dumps) / Serenas: “Oh also isn't this literally where Atlas held up the sky? So like where the apples of the gods are in the garden of the Hesperides?” / “WE WILL NOT BE STEALING FROM THE GODS!!!” > #WTFBabes #RomadHasNotGivenUpOnThisButHeWillBeMoreLowkeyAboutThisGoingForward #Serenas'FatalFlawIsSecondHandWizardHubris > Anyways it's time for dinner at CFC so see y'all in — oh wait Isati is giving Gwyf a brief rundown of Kirin's #TraumaticBackstory only for him to put a potion in her hands and run away? Where did Gwyf get a potion?? > #WhereIndeed? > “Hey Nova can you identify this?” “Oh yeah sure!” — “It's a philter of love?!??” ”Where did my little brother get a Love Potion‽‽‽” > THAT'S THE END!! CUT THE FEED!!
S89 Crit Count: Nova Nat 20 persuasion, Serenas Nat20 Persuasion, Nova & Serenas Nat20 Arcana labyrinthe, Isati Nat1 Arcana. Kirin Nat 20 Aravin bullshit
S89 Post Credit Scene: Kirin & Isati reveal to Glynran the specifics of the fey that have been harrowing their travels and Glynran gets Really Fucking Freaked Out. > Also his mysterious boss magically stops him from spilling the beans on “restricted information”. > #ThisIsNotConcerningAtAll #0_o