S91 Recap: Horse Go Beep Beep | Ep. 34
General Summary
We find our heroes sleeping in a cuddle puddle. The Chicken Feathers Is Also There. > #TheChickenNamedByTheTitanGoddessRhea > Kirin takes her new drugs rolls an 80, aka a french four twenty. > #Kirin'sPrescriptionPsychedelics #Quatre–Vingt #DreamstrideDestinations > So there you are, traumatized and having a bad day, hoping for a lucid dreaming experience. Unfortunately you rolled a nat 1 on your lucidity check so instead you fully just get fucking high. So you're floating around a prismatic hookah lounge, surrounded by a bunch of mirthful dragons puff puffing away. > #SmokingDragons #BlueCaterpillar~esquMotherfuckers #CritCount1 #BadCrits1 > “When you wake up, you find yourself very relaxed, chewing on the the mirthful dragonbone you wear around your neck.” > #Anti–depressantDragonBone > “Also Corayas, due to cuddlepuddle proximity and #ScribiusNonsense, you also get a bit of a contact high, and I need you to mark Scribius' morning production as special.” > #BeingVagueBecauseIThinkI'mFunny > “Try Becoming A Cat.” > #WeeklyOutOfContextQuote > Isati brings everyone breakfast in bed. Camillo decides Corayas wouldn't like blood pudding but only because of the black pepper. Not the blood. > #Natchurallly > Also Corayas doesn't think to hide Scribius fill their morning potion bottle. We then pause to figure out if the chaos duo even know what's being made each morning. The answer is kind of. > ANYWAYS > The party now knows where the love potion came from. You have 5 of them. > Kirin and Romad go pick up magic items from augment. During this time (and only because Serenas isn't present!) Romad admits that they are not in fact the more mature couple when compared to #Inklight > #Romad'sRightButSerenasWillDenyThisOnPrinciple #TeamSassInTheCity > Also Isati relieves Irati of babysitting duty and they play tag. #PublicRelationsManagerGwyf fends off any questions or attention levied at Isati > #BelovedLilBusinessMan > Also this inspires Corayas to ask Nova to play tag. Nova doesn't know what tag is anymore. Nova is tagged anyways. Serenas joins in too! > We now start the utter nonsense that is the #TagCritChronicles because Serenas does roll a nat 20 on initiative. For TAG. > #CritCount2 #GoodCrits1 #BadCrits1 > Serenas & Corayas take to their skateboards to get away > #SkateOrDie #NovaIsADemigodThey'llBeFine > While this is happening, Nova, the aforementioned demigod, muscles ripling as they fucking charge out of the room, does some Nat20 Acrobatics as they jump off the balcony, do a somersault midair, and turns into fucking Horse–Faelyn (but with antlers) as they hit the ground > #CritCount3 #GoodCrits2 #BadCrits1 #NovaIsADemigodThey'reFineLmao #Neighva > Serenas: “Oh so magic's allowed!?” casts fog cloud about it (also Nat 20 stealths because, again, #TagCritChronicles) > #CritCount4 #GoodCrits3 #BadCrits1 > Corayas tricks Nova into running into an alley with minor illusion leading to two very Iconic lines. One we'll save for later but the other being “I don't know how horse stealth works.” “Not Very Well.” > #NeighvaDeceived > “Nova asked if they were at the top of the hill, I said the top of the hill was the edge of the country, Nova decides to go downhill because they don't think Serenas would leave the country. > #Logic > #Neighva then hears Corayas excitedly tell Gwyf they are also playing tag. Nova Realizes They Can Not Turn Around In This Alley. They must reverse. > #ButWe'llGetToThatLater > Serenas prepares for some #UnrealAir > Glitch, as Neighva backs up in the alley, starts making beeping noises like a truck. In world they are imitating Knick-Knack. This is where we shall see the second iconic thing said > “Horse Go Beep–Beep” > #HorseGoBeep–Beep > Corayas then decides to join the flying folk and casts a spell. After having used tides of chaos earlier… #SurgeForTheSurgeGods!!! Aaaaannnd, he teleports 60 feet > #WildMagicLovesCorayas > Romad & Kirin take this moment to arrive, see Corayas in the air, and just accept this fact. > #BecauseThat'sJustWhatCorayasBeLike > What does surprise them is Nova harnessing the wake of the wild magic to cast spider climb in horse form and run up some random rich bitch's house and across their roof. > Kirin: “You mean that horse?” > Nova #GoodCrits their athletics check as they charge down Corayas, only to revert form midair to full force kiss tackle the flying Corayas > #ThisIsTheirFirstKissBtw #SurgeForTheSurgeGods #MissionStatus:Sick > #CritCount5 #GoodCrits4 #BadCrits1 > Corayas heats up like a cartoon character and sweats so much he casts grease centered on himself > #TagYou'reIt > Kirin #InverseSteps away with Isati, (Isati is left giggling too much to continue) > Romad tries to start dodging only for Corayas to receive the first ever BLESSING OF THE TAG GOD?!?! > #CritCount6 #GoodCrits5 #BadCrits1 #BlessingOfTheTagGods > Corayas (Covered in grease and skatboarding away): “You can't catch me, I'm just a slippery lil guy!”> Romad Is Now It. He snaps his head towards his fiance. Both grin devioushly. But Serenas prepared for this and as Romad –armed with an invisible mage hand– charges his hubby to be, who launches off a makeshift ramp, Nat 20 aerials out of the way, only to get slapped on the ass > #UnrealAir #OhShitSickFlips #TagYou'reIt #CritCount7 #GoodCrits6 #BadCrits1 #FinalCritCount #TagCritChronicles > And we're just gonna keep playing tag next session lol, but until then see y'all next recap
S91 Crit Count: Kirin Nat 1 Lucidity, Serenas Nat20 Tag Intiative, Nova Nat20 Acrobatics for TAG!, Serenas Nat20 Tag Stealth, Nova Nat20 Horse Athletics, Corayas Nat20 Tag tag, Serenas Nat 20 Acrobatics Skateboard Aerial during Tag