Selina's Apartment

Often referred to as the safest place in Sarnport by those who stay there, Selina's apartment is used by many of her associates as a place to nap, snack, or work despite the existence of the Champion Mansion and it being where most of the Champions officially live.   Some people can be found there more than others; in particular, Maricel and Rotti have most of their food there, Akiko can be found working there to avoid being distracted by employees, and it's a frequent location for self-administered first aid and naps for those patrolling in the Stacks. It's also often used a forward base for Champion operations within the city during emergencies, and when told of the safety of the apartment Detective Bradshaw made a point about how Selina kept inviting him around on Halloween.

Purpose / Function

A brownstone apartment with a window opening onto a fire escape in a courtyard, with a small open-plan living room and kitchen, one bathroom, and two bedrooms, this place is designed to be a cheap home for a single professional, a couple, or a small family. The second bedroom can be, and has been multiple times, converted into office or storage space.


In the time Selina has been living there, many alterations have been made. The vast majority of these are based around security but also include turning a storage room back into a spare bedroom, a corkboard in the master bedroom, additional kitchen items, and significant soundproofing. While most of the space was once taken up by piles of journals, files, and murder-boards, it's since been transformed into much more of an actual living space. If both twin beds, the queen bed, and the double sofa bed are used to capacity, up to six people can sleep at a time.


Most of the walls are painted neutral colors with dark cabinets. A very modern kitchen but more mismatched furniture, much of it wooden and some of it random colors, sourced at short notice. The doors and windows remain the old versions, wood for the doors, but locks have been replaced and/or added. All of the floors remain wooden, except for the tile in the bathroom, as carpet muffles sounds such as footsteps.


Numerous ward alterations have been made in addition to the usual Sarnport measures, providing airtight defence against supernatural threats, including magical divination and manipulation. Both Selina and Ryan, as well as some of the more technologically minded Champions, have added additional security measures to spot people nearing and prevent entry.   Of course, the presence of those two is the most effective deterrent and the thing that makes it such a favoured rest stop. The complete non-judgement of your presence and hands-off aid, alongside the spare places to sleep comfortably and being guarded by some of the most dangerous people in the city go a long way to a sense of refuge, both mental and physical.
Parent Location

Cover image: by Patricia Lazaro