In a world inhabited by intelligent beasts - what stands between the Feral and the Couth?
Long ago, the Firstfolk stepped into the land that would now become known as Medhlfreh. Although the name became popular among the commonfolk in this day and age, in those times the land had three names. Albionia, Patria and Hjemland. In time, they all learned to call the land by the same name. And though the three great factions still choose to call it by that name to this day, there is a divide on who truly owns the land. As three factions stare one another down, they come together only with the common cause of standing against their mutual foe - the Khurkhan Horde.
Beasts drawn together - by creed and claw, by fang and fortitude, by tail and tenacity , whisker and will. A land where faerie eyes watch in the forest brush - and where dark things roam in the ocean swell. A land of savagery and nobility. Where bards sing tales of daring do and savage strength...and brave beasts rising to meet the call.
A land where knight and sire venture forth to conquer a brave frontier. Where ancient ruins hold buried treasure, beyond trap filled chambers and tests of faith. Beasts spill blood for fame and fortune, venturing deep into caverns old to find coins of maelsteel, bows of alderwood and divine grails blessed by saints of yore.
Be you childe of meadow and wood, of acorn and aspen, horn and herd or fang and fury.
Medhlfreh awaits, in golden silence.