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Perunias' Sling

Even the smallest things can cause great change. It only depends on how you use them.
— Teamari Proverb
  Listen here, kid! I know all of you young mages dream of creating earthquakes and thunderstorms but that is only a small part of Magic. And I am not talking about healing or forging, no I mean attacks. And you don't need to give me that disbelieving look. A firedragon may look impressive but why waste the Mana? Even the greatest of opponents can be felled with just a little strike.   Your blank stare tells me all I need to know...Hm. Have you ever heard of the "Tragedy of Perunias"? Of course not. It's not a story the Hierarchy would teach. It is an old Teamari tale.   Perunias was a farm boy in ancient Teamar. The only distraction he had from the harsh work on his lord's fields was his sling. Whenever he had a few hours to himself he would travel to the woods and practice. Over the years he got better and better, eventually able to shoot a bird out of the sky. Now, Perunias would have continued with his life if not for the appearance of Thargur.   A giant from the north. A beast driven by endless hunger. It had grown to titanic proportions by devouring its own kind and was now scouring the land. As he approached, the lord and his soldiers fled. But not Perunias. Armed with just his sling and a bunch of iron darts he faced Thargur. While the darts did no damage, they did hurt the giant. Soon it was following Perunias, intent on ripping that annoyance to shreds.   The young boy led the beast toward a large canyon. When the giant pounced he broke the cliff he landed on and tumbled into the canyon. But even now his head towered over Perunias and soon he would rise again to continue their hunt. But Perunias acted first. With great strength, he slung his remaining darts into the beast's eyes. Piercing the weak flesh they bore into Thargur's brain and killed him.   Perunias' story doesn't end here. He would have many adventures over the years and eventually find a tragic end but that doesn't matter right now. You get what the story's lesson is?  
Its not always your strength that matters. Its how you use it.
Yup. A good Mage does not solely depend on their power. Just a bit of thought goes a long way in helping you deal with a situation.
— Yensid & Helenia
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Related ethnicities
A Weapon of Great Power?   The Tragedy of Perunias is one of the oldest tales of the Teamari. If it is entirely true is not known but the Teamari fully believed it to be fact.   A sling was indeed unearthed from what many believe to be the ruins of Perunia's Kingdom. Since then it had been kept by the priests of the Great Temple, a revered remnant of Teamari past.   Some Mages have claimed the sling to be a magical weapon and Perunias to be a wandering Mage that came from the west. A theory met with great harshness by the Teamari who resent the Arcane Hierarchy for reasons lost to time.  

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Cover image: by Roland Sanchez


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