The Great War

A world war, about a century ago, that started with an attempt by Nagri to expand their territory, but spilled over to involve other nations that weren’t affected originally, not unlike a bar room brawl in a movie.

The Conflict


The remains of an Ark Ship was discovered by archeologists on Sew Bli. Nagri authorities made an official protest, saying that they hadn’t authorized an archeological excavations on their territory, upon which the Thieis representative pointed out that Sew Bli was in fact officially recognized Thieian territory. Within a few hours Nagri deployed their military to the area around Sew Bli, on their side of the strait and with the fleet.


World wide.


Nagri was forced back to their own territory, slightly smaller than before the war. The nations that were on their side during the war officially denounced them afterwards, some voluntarily and others under pressure from the Alliance Nations.


The rest of the world has remained a close watch on Nagri, which was allowed to regain most of its territory before the war. For a few decades Nagri was a democracy, but has slipped back into a dictatorship since then.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Alliance won.


Alliance Forces
Trio of Dominance




To stop the aggression and oppression of the Trio of Dominance
To establish dominance over the world, so they can control the truth and prevent others from spreading their lies that humans came from another world on a series of Ark Ships.


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