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Basic Information


The Elves are a humanoid species characterized by their striking physical features. Taller than the average human, with an average height of 6 to 7 feet, they possess a slender, athletic build that speaks to their affinity for the natural world. Their skin is fair and their features are light, giving them an ethereal, otherworldly appearance. Indeed, it is said that they are "fairer than the sun" in their beauty.   Despite their physical differences from humans, Elves share a basic body plan with two legs, two arms, and a head. However, their graceful, almost fluid movements, and the aura of serenity that seems to surround them suggest a deeper connection to the world around them. In many ways, the Elves embody the ideal of the harmonious relationship between the body and nature.

Genetics and Reproduction

According to legend, the Elves were once able to mate and reproduce like other species. However, this ability was taken away from them by Freyr, a Norse deity associated with fertility and prosperity. It is said that Freyr intervened to prevent the Elvish world from becoming overpopulated, thereby preserving its delicate balance and natural harmony.   As a result of this intervention, Elves are now unable to reproduce through conventional means. Instead, they are said to maintain their population through a process known as "awakening", in which new Elves are created from pre-existing ones. This process is shrouded in mystery and is believed to involve a deep spiritual connection between Elves and the natural world, reflecting their close relationship with the environment.   Despite the loss of their ability to mate, Elves remain a vibrant and vital species, admired and respected for their beauty, athleticism, and spiritual wisdom. They continue to embody the ideal of harmonious coexistence with the natural world, inspiring awe and wonder in those who encounter them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves are known for their prolonged growth rate into adulthood, which is significantly slower than that of humans. In Elvish communities, it is common for an Elf to reach 100 years of age before being considered a full-fledged adult. This is roughly equivalent to the developmental stage of an 18-year-old human, highlighting the dramatic difference in growth rates between the two species.   The slow growth rate of Elves is thought to be linked to their close relationship with the natural world. Elves are believed to live in harmony with their surroundings, absorbing and reflecting the energy of the environment around them. This process is said to be gradual and deliberate, allowing Elves to grow and develop at a pace that is in tune with the rhythms of nature.   Despite their slower rate of development, Elves are renowned for their exceptional longevity. It is said that they can live for hundreds or even thousands of years, far outstripping the lifespan of a typical human. This longevity is thought to be linked to their spiritual connection with the natural world, which allows them to draw on the energy and vitality of their surroundings to sustain their lives over an extended period.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves are widely known for their close relationship with the natural world, and their deep reverence for the forests is no exception. Many Elves live in communities that are closely tied to the forest, where they work to maintain a delicate balance between their needs and those of the environment. Living in harmony with nature, Elves are able to sustain themselves through hunting, gathering, and other practices that respect the natural rhythms of the forest.   In Kepler III, one of the most renowned Elvish communities is situated high in the treetops, where Elves have built their homes among the tallest trees. This community is a testament to the Elves' exceptional ability to live in unison with nature, using their natural abilities to navigate and thrive in a challenging environment.   At the center of this community is the Elvish King, Freyr, who is revered as a deity among the Elves. Known for his role as a protector of the natural world and a source of fertility and prosperity, Freyr is a central figure in Elvish mythology and religion. His worship is deeply intertwined with the Elves' relationship with nature, reflecting their profound spiritual connection with the environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are known for their deep connection with the natural world and their commitment to living in harmony with the environment. One manifestation of this relationship is their strict dietary laws, which govern what is acceptable to eat and what is not.   The most stringent of these laws is the principle that nothing should go to waste. This includes not only food but also other resources such as wood, water, and minerals. The Elves view waste as a violation of the natural order and a disrespect to the environment, and they are committed to using all resources in a responsible and sustainable way.   In keeping with this principle, the Elves are known to forage in the woods and hunt for food only when it is deemed necessary, often as part of a sacred ritual or sacrifice. While most Elves may occasionally consume meat or fish, their diet is predominantly plant-based, reflecting their deep reverence for the natural world and the delicate balance of life within it.   In rare cases, the Elves have been known to practice cannibalism as a way of avoiding waste and honoring the spiritual connection between all living things. While this practice is considered taboo by most other societies, the Elves see it as a natural extension of their belief in the interconnectedness of all living things. Despite this unusual practice, the Elves' dietary practices are widely admired for their emphasis on sustainability, conservation, and respect for the natural world.

Biological Cycle

Elves are known for their remarkable longevity, with some individuals reportedly living for several centuries. In fact, it is said that some Elves can live as long as 775 years, far outstripping the lifespan of most other species.   The reasons for the Elves' exceptional longevity are not fully understood, but many scholars believe that it is linked to their close relationship with nature. Elves are believed to have a deep spiritual connection with the environment, which allows them to draw on the energy and vitality of their surroundings to sustain their lives over an extended period.   Some researchers have also suggested that the Elves' slow growth rate into adulthood may be linked to their longevity. By developing at a gradual pace, Elves are able to maintain their physical and mental health over a longer period, allowing them to live well beyond the lifespan of other species.   Regardless of the reasons for their longevity, Elves are widely admired and respected for their wisdom and experience, which they are able to accumulate over many centuries of life. Their longevity is seen as a testament to their remarkable ability to live in harmony with the natural world, embodying the ideal of harmonious coexistence with the environment.


In their home world, Elves occupy a unique ecological niche, serving as the guardians of the forest and the protectors of the delicate balance of nature. Unlike many other species, Elves have no natural predators, which allows them to play an essential role in maintaining the ecosystem's health.   Through their expert foraging and hunting practices, the Elves are able to keep animal populations in check, preventing overbreeding and ensuring that the ecosystem remains in balance. They are also skilled at managing plant species, preventing any one species from dominating the forest and crowding out other plants.   This role as protectors of the ecosystem is highly valued by the Elves, who see it as their responsibility to maintain the natural world and ensure that it remains healthy and sustainable for future generations. The Elves take great pride in their role as stewards of the forest, using their knowledge and expertise to preserve the delicate balance of nature that sustains them and all other living things in their world.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Among the forests of Keppler III

Average Intelligence

Elves possess an unparalleled affinity for the natural world, allowing them to maintain a delicate balance within the forest. They are uniquely skilled at managing the ecosystem, ensuring that no single species dominates or receives preferential treatment.   The Elves' approach to nature is characterized by a deep respect for all living things, with no animal or plant considered more or less important than any other. They recognize that all living things have the right to exist, to hunt and be hunted, and to die in the quest for sustenance.   Through their expert knowledge of the forest and its inhabitants, the Elves are able to maintain a careful equilibrium, preventing any one species from overrunning the ecosystem and preserving the delicate web of life that sustains them and all other creatures in their world. This gift for maintaining balance is highly valued by the Elves, who see it as their duty to safeguard the natural world and ensure that it remains healthy and vibrant for generations to come.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are held in high regard by those who have the privilege of knowing them. Revered as demi-gods, they possess a heightened sense of perception that surpasses that of ordinary humans. Their extraordinary abilities extend beyond the realm of the mind and into the physical world, where they are known for their exceptional athleticism and nimbleness.   Elves are gifted with a remarkable degree of grace and agility that sets them apart from other species. They move with a fluidity and precision that suggests a deep understanding of their bodies and their surroundings. Their natural athleticism is further enhanced by their keen senses and exceptional reflexes, allowing them to move with ease and confidence even in the most challenging environments.   In many ways, the Elves embody the ideal of physical perfection, with their unmatched athleticism and physical grace. Their exceptional abilities have earned them a place in the pantheon of mythical beings, where they are revered as demi-gods of the natural world.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals are based on Freyr and his sister Freya's physical form. Both are worshiped as Gods and considered the most beautiful beings.

Courtship Ideals

Freyr sets years in motion when courtship is allowed to maintain a healthy population and not overstep the natural balance of their world.

Average Technological Level

Technological ownership among elves is strictly prohibited. However, the Elves were granted abilities by King Freyr, and those will rival any technological advancement.

Common Dress Code

Any form of Dress is acceptable, including going nude.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

No plant life or animal life will go to waste. Everything has a purpose, down to the smallest of creatures.   It is not out of the question for Elves to eat their fallen kin in honor of the death of their loved ones. After significant battles, Elves are known to throw extravagant festivals with the meat of their fallen kin and foes combined.

Common Taboos

It is extremely Taboo to waste anything that has been killed. The killer must honor the dead and consume what they kill. To not commemorate the death of one's kill is considered the ultimate disrespect. A disrespect that will follow the dead in the afterlife. This act will also get the killer banished from their society.
Scientific Name
775 years
Average Height
6 - 7 feet
Average Weight
70 - 140 lbs
Average Physique
Elves are renowned for their slim and athletic builds, which vary in shape and size from individual to individual. However, one thing is certain: you will never see a malnourished or overweight Elf. For the Elves, physical fitness and health are essential not only for their own well-being but also for the balance of the natural world they inhabit. Any disruption in their physical health could have ripple effects throughout the ecosystem they oversee, throwing the delicate balance of nature out of alignment.   Therefore, the Elves take great care to maintain their physical health through a combination of exercise, healthy eating, and rigorous self-care. By doing so, they not only preserve their own vitality but also contribute to the overall health and balance of their world.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elves are renowned for their striking physical beauty, which is often described as being "fairer than the sun". Their golden hair shimmers in the light, casting a radiant glow around them, while their skin is milky white and flawless, except when wounded in battle.   This ethereal beauty is highly prized by the Elves, who see it as a reflection of their connection to the natural world and the harmony they strive to maintain. It is also a source of fascination and envy among other species, who are often drawn to the Elves' radiant presence.   However, the Elves' beauty is not just skin-deep. It is also a reflection of their inner qualities, including their grace, wisdom, and reverence for nature. For the Elves, physical beauty is not an end in itself but rather a reflection of their commitment to living in harmony with the world around them.
Geographic Distribution


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