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Machina Mortis

Invented early in Covenant history by a prized Scientist. His work set the ground floor for what later would be called Machina Mortis. These hand-held ionized matter particle accelerators are capable of causing great destruction to live tissue and mechanical machines alike.   Later these machines become more common among the celestial humans, and they begin to take on all kinds of configurations with different objectives in mind.


Mechmor Company held the rights to be the sole producer inside the O.O.C. However, once the design was back-engineered, other specialty shops on board other ships associated with outside bounty hunters popped up. They took it to the next level, augmenting the design and fine-tuning the machines into carefully crafted firearms.
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Once a closely guarded secret of the military. Now everyday use among celestial humans.
A scientist combined different elements of other collogues works. For example, one was working on a particle accelerator to understand the physics of space and learn to travel at faster rates. Another was doing a test with a new form of plasma cutter to help construction processes of new fleet ships.
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