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Major Necalli (Ne-calli)

Major Tupack NeCalli (a.k.a. Major)

Began his career as an enlisted man, joining up to protect humanity. Gifted from a young age, he excelled at physical tasks. Early in his career, commanders took notice of his "can do" attitude and "never say die" mentality. Due to his distinguished reviews, he was selected for spec ops training. During boot, he even told one of the cadres there, "You can't hurt me," while performing a physical fitness test. He caught the eye of Colonel Smith, who was putting together a new kind of Spec Ops team the Covenant needed. This was to be an all-encompassing unit. Members were to perform everything, from their own reconnaissance, demolitions, interrogation, and engagements, and carry out the mission based on the ever-evolving situation on the battlefield. The unit was called The Roughnecks.

By this point in Major Necalli's career, he held the rank of Staff Sergeant. While continuing to train and volunteer for every mission he could. The Colonel pulls Staff Sergeant Necalli aside to ask him if he has a death wish? He didn't need someone on his team that is going to run around the battlefield with his head on fire. Necalli's only response was "Controlled Aggression."

by Russell Cosby and AI Art powered by Dell-E
Major Necalli's Exoskeleton Helmet

He was leaning toward kicking Staff Sergeant out of the teams. Instead, he decided to give him the rains on a mission to hopefully seal his deal and have ample enough justification for kicking him out. So he put Staff Sergeant Necalli in charge of the unit. Sergeant Necalli and his Roughnecks are sent down to the planet Shallager Surface for a mission that involves Destroying a foundry occupied by the Kreegans. The foundry produces the energy cells needed for Cryofreeze technology. The Covenant command has deemed this a necessary target to keep the Kreegran from reaching Earth using this technology. The mission went sideways, and Staff Sergeant Necalli and another soldier were the only survivors. Necalli's body count was said to be close to triple digits. He fought off Yonhet slaves and Kreegans before igniting a nearby fuel silo. The overall mission was a failure, but Staff Sergeants Necalli's abilities in the battle were only matched by the other survivor, whose name had been removed from every recorded, and Staff Sergeant Necalli was ordered to never speak his name.

  After the failed mission on Shallager, Colonel Smith was re-assigned and, newly promoted to officer Captian Necalli was given command of the unit. To this day, Necalli is still in command. He has been promoted to Major after several victories in battle and his effectiveness in getting the job done. He has since renamed the unit "The Shorn Ones" and has modified the grooming standards of how the hair is to be kept. One side of the head is to remain shaved bald while the other is allowed to be grown to whatever length it can reach before they die. The Longer the hair in the unit, the more prestige that soldier carries in the team, as it is a testament to his ability to win in battle and not die.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Great Physical condition. He sets the standard for physical fitness within the Shorn Ones.

Body Features

Large Tribal eagle tattoo on his left arm that covers from the top of his shoulder to the top of his elbow. Another tattoo of crossed macahuitl's just below the front of his neck.

Facial Features

Naturally tanned face with very high cheek bones.

Personality Characteristics


He draws his motivation from his Aztec warrior ancestry.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes to be covered in enemy blood.   Dislikes politics and thinks we should just burn them all.

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite His blood lust of the enemy he cares deeply for his men and those who serve with honor.


Contacts & Relations

He has contacts in secret locations within the Spec Ops community. He always seems to know what strings to pull to get his way for the better of the mission.


He is very militarized in his mannerisms and in the words he uses while in garrison. Once he is on the battlefield that ancient warrior comes out and all you will hear from him are the war cries and screams from his enemy.

Hobbies & Pets

He has collected War Trophies from Every battle he has been in. In his personal live space he has an office decorated with this trinkets.


Captain Necalli's first mission as The Shorn One's lead. He assisted and was boots on the ground with his men. During the Ambush from a large unit of Kreegan's His men where pinned down and refusing to retreat even though the order was given by command. His men looking to on orders and what to do. Captain Necalli says " Men, Here we are will is tested. DO WE LET THE ENEMY CRUSH OUR WILL? ( Men yell in response "NO!") THEN FUCKIN FOLLOW ME, NEVER STEP BACK FROM THE ENEMY!!". It was said the will to survive was not only achieved but the will dominate the enemy came out in each of his men. With brilliant counter ambush tactics he and his men where able to destroy the enemy.
Current Status
Runs a Special Unit Called "The Shorn Ones"
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
17th of October 1906
Dark Brown
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan Completed
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Never Step Back from the enemy"
Aztec pantheon
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Russell Cosby and AI Art powered by Dell-E


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