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Astrir, Lord in the fourth

Lord in the fourth (a.k.a. She who knows)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Astrir is a shapeshifter, therefore she can look however she wishes. Her normal form is that of a slightly taller female, with 2 curved horns sticking out of her forehead.

Body Features

Astrir always has to show her two horns in some form, they may be shrinked however, but she always has them somewhere on her body.

Facial Features

Astrir is known to have an empty look, seemingly not caring about anyones succes or suffering.

Apparel & Accessories

Astrir usually does not wear any jewelry, with the exception of a simpel circle made of some sort of string.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Astrir was originally a simple warrior in Inperiosus's original army, she was suposed to be nothing more than a warrior. She would, however, go on to start thinking for herself. Inperiosus, seeing this, haden't anticipated this development. He would take her out of his expendable army, molding her to become a true thinker, solving things without being involved herself. Astrir would go on to become much like Inperiosus  himself, in her way of thinking and being, perhaps a little more mercyful than him. She would continue to look up to Inperiosus, as the years went on, looking at him like a daughter would af father.


Fuck it


Astrir was taught by Inperiosus  himself, she is nigh-unparalleled in terms of intelligence.


Astrir currently resides in the fourth layer of the nine hells. Acting as it's lord, since the dawn of the hells.

Accomplishments & Achievements

None that anyone knows......
She is however known for being among the richest beings in the entire universe.

Personality Characteristics


Astrir wishes to have power over all layers in the hells,

Likes & Dislikes

Astrir has a liking to anyone she can use to gain additional power, she also likes the power of deals.



Astrir is learned in common courtship, and can behave accordingly
Long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly pale
120 lbs

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