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Mortifers blight

The church of Mortifer, known as the Mortifers blight or simply, the blight, is a comparitively new church and religion as Mortifer himself has only just revealed himself in the year 11000. Not much is known about the blight or their power, though they are commonly associatedwith the Black Pantheon, on account of how they act and Mortifers allegiance to the Black Pantheon itself. Within the blight one mostly finds those who deal in undeath and the arcane as a whole, though there are few masters in the church.  




  Most who are part of the blight do not reveal so in public, as the blight itself is not an organization with a particularly large amount of power or resources. Those who do serve him who are without power themselves do seam to stay young for longer than the average person, and have a little extra luck should the undead invade.

The haunt

The haunt are those who are just getting started as a part of the blight, or those who do not improve despite the help of the blight. They are generally somewhat skilled at magics and some can reanimate the dead.

The haunt

+1 to a mental stat  

High haunt

Undead will not target you unless ordered to  

Arch haunt

Proficiency in a tool of Mortifer
Instrument of undeath recipe
Neutral undead will now see you as friendly


The Autré, though there are almost none of them, are usually the magically inclined, especially necromancers. These can often serve as arcanists to all manner of the ruling class, and are quite adept at understanding the arcane as well as wielding it. one must scratch (deal 10% hp) a beast of Mortifer, gaining the rank upon success


gain expertise in your chosen tool of Mortifer.
improvement to Instrument of undeath

High Autré

improvement to Instrument of undeath

Arch Autreé

improvement to Instrument of undeath


To become a savant, one must fully commit to the blight, as such, one must battle a beast of Mortifer, gaining the rank upon success


You gain guidance as a spell, making it stack with the cantrip.
improvement to instrument of undeath

Arch Savant

improvement to instrument of undeath


To become a part of the Noxious, one must battle one of Mortifers greater undead and win, failing this mean becoming one and losing your individuality. Succeeding however, solidifies your rank in the blight, as you can now take on a more leader-like role, if you wish.   Noxious +2 all mental saving throws
improvement to Instrument of undeath


The is the highest-ranking follower of Mortifer


Mortifers Stygian
improvement to Intrument of undeath

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