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Praestrictus, Lord in the sixth

Lord in the sixth (a.k.a. The frozen lord)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Praestrictus was created to be adored by humanoids, as such, he was made to look perfect for humanoid eyes.
After imprisoning himself in ice, his eyes have turned entirely blue, and his skin has gotten a permenent layer of blue ice over them.

Special abilities

Praestrictus is one of the most accomplished telepaths, as a result of continuous training.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Praestrictus was created by Inperiosus, specifically to infiltrate the prime matirial plane. As Praestrictus moved into the prime material plane, he would be heralded as a messenger of the gods. The people of early civilization would treat him like a god-king. During his time here, Praestrictus researched ways to become completly invulnerable, wanting to be able to protect himself from anyone and anything.
When he was taken back to The nine hells, Praestrictus attempted a ritual to become completly impervious to any damage, but it would have an additional effect. Praestrictus now rules the sixth layer of The nine hells, encased in a large chunk of ice. So far, noone has been able to harm or dent the ice in the slightest.


Fuck it


Praestrictus didn't recieve any education, but was always naturely curious, and learned a lot in the prime material plane.


Praestrictus lords over the sixth layer of The nine hells.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Praestrictus achieved complete invulnerability, albeit he is now enchaced in ice, unable to escape himself. He can however still use his mind, which was always to source of most of his power.

Failures & Embarrassments

Becoming trapped in ice

Personality Characteristics


Praestrictus wishes to retain his immunity, but also has a desire to be able to move once more. He desires both.
Lawful Evil
Circumstances of Birth
Praestrictus was created by Inperiosus
Entirely blue
Long black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Frozen blue, white underneath
160 lbs

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