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The Bloated

Wandering aimlessly through what seemed like an eternity, an adventuring party hears a scream, the party hastily rushed toward the scream in search of civilization, but what they found was much different. Standing in the center of a clearing is a tree with branches made of arms and bare flesh for bark, but most horrifyingly is the mouth that seems to like an endless cavern of decaying teeth. The party horrified begin to run away but then they hear a second screech, shaken and dazed the party rogue falls over, the barbarian tries to pick them and carry them to safety, but to no avail, as the tree has grabbed them both by the legs and drag them back to itself, the 2 are strangled and fall to the dirt dead, at a hasted speed the 2 begin decomposing a sprout of contorted flesh growing out their stomach.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

after killing people they will plant a seed inside the corpse causing it to bloat.

Growth Rate & Stages

stage 1 there is seemingly just a corpse stage 2 creeping out from behind the eyes is and form the wound where the seed was planted roots sprout stage 3 the roots will begin moving as if they were legs and find a spot where there is a low amount of other bloated stage 4 the roots will dig into the dirt form the permanent place for the tree to take form stage 5 the trunk of the tree will grow over the corpse growing up to 20ft tall within 1 month stage 6 the tree has finished its growth cycle

Ecology and Habitats

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