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The Church of Daserius




As a worshipper of Daserius, you gain the ability: Martyr. It can be used to take on the pain of your allies or enemies within 10 ft of you, in doing so, you spend your reaction to take the damage they would have taken 2 fold, you also take on the effect of whatever negative effect targeted the person.


the bucklers are those who have taken on the mission to safeguard the weak no matter the challenge, protecting those who cant protect themselves  


When you roll death saves, you add a d4, if the total amounts to 20 or more, you gain the effect of a 20.

fortified Buckler

You can fail 4 death saving throws, instead of 3

unbreakable Buckler

Every ally within 30 ft get +1 to their death saving throw  


the oriri stand tall as despite hard ship they refuse to fall into despair when facing unbeatable odds.


gain +1 to constitution, wisdom or charisma  

Arch Oriri

  You gain access to the light cantrip

Dawns Oriri

When you cast light, you can choose to do so offensively, when you do this, the light will extend 20 ft per round, when it reaches 100 ft radius, it explodes in brilliant lights, dealing 10 radiant damage to all enemy creatures within the radius.


the tutela are the shield that remain unbroken and stand against all that threaten the weak


You gain the ability: New dawn. "If everyone from your party is knocked unconscious or dies, you rise at 1 hit point. This can be done once per long rest."

Unshakable tutela

When new dawn triggers, you rise at half hit points, and are raised to your feet.




The martyr ability now does not multiply damage dealt. In addition, you learn the shield spell, which can be cast on others within 30 ft, you can cast shield in this way an amount of times equal to you proficiency bonus.
When you roll death saves, you can add an additional d4 to the saving throw.
When you would gain 1 health from death saving throws, you instead get full health

Aurora lator


Aurora lator

Religious, Organised Religion

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