
As sad as it is, some content, due to it's level of power, general nature and balance are not allowed on the server. We ask that you please respect these choices, as they have come from a not insignificant amount of debate and discussion.

Banned Classes and Archetypes

All Third and Homebrew Archetypes and Classes
Synthesis Summoner
Mystic Theurge
Reincarnated Druid
Sohei Monk
Monk/Brawler with Kineticist
Gingerbread Witch
Nanite Bloodline
Warcat Animal Companions

Banned Feats

All Third Party Feats
All Damnation Feats
Leadership/Vile Leadership
Sacred Geometry
Stealth Synergy
Throat Slicer
Roll With It
Collector’s Boon
Improved Collector’s Boon
All Monster Feats with the exception of those granted as part of a class ability, racial feats for playable races that are legally allowable on the server, feats that have been expressly allowed as listed in the Feat Modifications and Clarification section, and crafting feats.

Banned Items

Automatic Progression Bonus Removals
Amulet of Natural Armor
Fetish of Natural Armor
Flesh Crafting - Carapace
Ring of Protection
Ring of Resistance
Belt of Giant Strength
Belt of Incredible Dexterity
Belt of Mighty Constitution
Belt of Physical Might
Belt of Physical Perfection
Headband of Vast Intelligence
Headband of Inspired Wisdom
Headband of Alluring Charisma
Headband of Mental Prowess
Headband of Mental Superiority
Cloak of Resistance
Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude
Cloak of Quick Reflexes
Cape of Free Will
Caparison of Resistance
Penitent's Robe
Protean Cloak
Headband of Sealed Thoughts
Amber Spindle Ioun Stone (All types)
Magenta Prism Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Pale Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Deep Red Sphere Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Pink Rhomboid Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Onyx Rhomboid Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Pink and Green Sphere Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Emerald Wedge Ioun Stone
Crimson Sphere Ioun Stone (All)
Incandescent Blue Sphere Ioun Stone (Normal and Flawed)
Black Blessing Juju Fetish
Ghoul Stone
Manual of Gainful Exercise
Manual of Quickness and Action
Manual of Bodily Health
Tome of Clear Thought
Tome of Understanding
Tome of Leadership and Influence
Greater Plague Rat Belt

Banned for Other Reasons
All Third Party Items
Modifying any existing magic item into a slotless one, including via Tattoo Items.
Horn of Plenty
Piecemeal Armor
Amazing Tools of Manufacturing
Strange/Numerian Fluid
Construct Core
Modern and Technological Firearms
Lyre of Building
Silent Aviary
Items that would break the BBFC 15/PEGI 16 rating of the server (for example: Demon Mother's Mask) or using any item in that manner.

Banned Traits

Any third-party traits and drawbacks (With the exception of the Major Drawback sections).
Any trait that applies a flat wealth modifier.
Wayang Spellhunter

Banned Spells

Simulacrums (For Combat Purposes)
Blood Money
Reincarnate (all types of reincarnate)) (Replaced with Raise Dead)
Full Pouch
Words of Power
Instigate Psychic Duel ((for combat Purposes))
Cyclic Reincarnation
Any spell that would break the BBFC 15/PEGI 16 rating of the server (For example: Unnatural Lust or similar that removes consent from sexual acts) or any spell being used in such a way.

Other Banned Items and Abilities

The Child Scent Hex All technological and cybertech items.
Modern and Technological Firearms
Custom items
Variant d100 for Tiefling and Aasimar
Archetype Packages
Age stat adjustments
Feats, spells, magic items that add and alter use of hero points.
Worship of Folca, Zepar, Menxyr, or Nocticula.
One cannot retrain alternate racial traits using downtime. (e.g. one cannot replace dwarf Siege Survivor with it's original abilities Greed, Hardy, Hatred.) Note this is not related to traits in 'racial' category of traits system.

Banned Races

Azlanti pureblood human
Being of Ib


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